The factors within my daily
environment that are supportive are good health, family, education, religion
and money. The ways in which these factors provide support to me is that each
one contributes a very important connection that simulates a positive impact in
my life. For instance, these benefits support me by helping me to function
healthy and gives me hope and self confidence within my self to achieve
whatever goals or obstacles I might encounter in life to succeed and survive.
Furthermore, each benefit helps support me to learn how to cope with my
strengths and weakness to build upon my personal experiences and knowledge in
order to survive any challenges I may face as an individual within my everyday
surroundings. Therefore, by having good health, family, education, religion and
money in my life helps me to provide for all my necessities and to apply the
many opportunities that I can in a positive way to growth and develop
a sense of pride and dignity. In other words, I will develop a healthy
well-being, relationship and partnership that is nurturing, mindful, faithful
to survival, succeed in life and be happy with a peace of mind for myself and
other people within my daily surroundings that I love and love me as a person
within my daily environment. However, it will be very difficult for me to exist
without these supports. For Instance, without good health I am not any good to
anyone or myself. For example, without good health I could not provide for my
family or I and I would not be able to obtain or comprehend to achieve my
education or have faith in myself or other individuals in order to survive in
life. Furthermore, without my family there to support me in what I set out to
accomplish I would feel betrayed. Because, family is how I inherited my
identity. For example, family is who I value as a part of my life and share my
beliefs and morels in which I have highly expectations of respect and
understanding of our relationship and partnership that helps supports what I
believe in and what I can accomplish. In other words, my family gives me a sense of hope a
connection to feeling apart of something or someone who make me feel, love,
nurture, safe and secure within my environment. However, I believe if I didn’t
pursue my education in life to reaching my fullest potential and my goals
I would encounter a very difficult life. For example, without having an education
or support in my life I would have not been able to help my children with their
home work. Also, I wouldn’t know how to read or write and so I couldn’t help my
self solve a problem if I couldn’t understand what it is I don’t Know.
Therefore, I support education very much because, if I was to lose everything
that I’d work for in life it could be all taken away, but education is one
thing no one can take away from you. Why? Because, no one can take away what
you’d learn. Also, I believe without religion I have no belief and without
belief I have no faith and without faith I have no hope and with out hope I am
lost soul. This is my culture beliefs that were taught to me as a child growing
up by my parents embrace in me to value as a person. In other
words, these values and morels taught me to treat people the way I would like
to be treated and never give up in what I’m trying to accomplish in life. Therefore,
these words help me to understand, respect, support, and appreciate myself and
others who care, respect and support me to succeed in my goals in life. In
addition, if I didn’t believe are have any beliefs and morels to value as a
person in my life it would be difficult to understand what it is that I feel
can benefit from as a person. For instance, life would be difficult for me to
survive if I didn’t have any money. For example, I couldn’t provide for my
family and myself food,shelter and all the necessities that my family and I
needed in order to survive and have a healthy life. However, the impact would
have on my life if all these things and person was gone it would make me a
stronger person and wiser human begin to have had the opportunities to experience
and appreciate what I have learned from what I experience, even if I didn’t
have nothing or no one else but to appreciated what I remember, experiment and
learn from what I was taught and move forward in my life from what I learn and
never give up on my self if everything I want and need was gone. In other words
I will always keep hope alive. The challenge I choose to imagine and the
thoughts I have with regard to support I would want and need. To maintain a
healthy life and to accomplish my goals and to succeed in helping supporting my
family while I achieve my education and hold a full time job as a single parent
that would offer a healthy productive life as an individual. Therefore, when I
imagine my thoughts regard to support of what I want and need I would focus on
completing my education to pursue my goals to gain better opportunities in life
in order to help other individual to become successful in their life. For instance,being
educated and respected in my life to open up my own early childhood .development center in
my community where I was raised in poverty and help other children and families
in poverty to be successful in reaching their goals to become successful
productive individual within their community or society. Furthermore, as I
describe factors with my daily environment that would be supportive to me,
including the ways in which these factors would provide support. Again, the
factors would be supportive to me would be having good health, family,
education, religion and money. These factors would provide support,
encouragement, motivation, hope, respect, and faith in myself to believe I can
do whatever I put my mind up to do in order to be successful and accomplish the
things I want and need for my family and myself. Therefore, as an individual
who want and need the same thing in life. When I consider how difficult it would be to exist without this support? I believe it would be very difficult for
me to pursue life without a purpose or someone who didn’t care about me to
pursue my goals and didn’t support or respect me for wanting something better
in life. The impact it would have on my life if they weren’t there? Is I would
feel very disappointed, because, I would realized that it wasn’t for them I
wouldn’t be who I am today,Also,when considering the fact how it would
impact who I am today it will help me in a positive way in which I can learn from my experience and move forward in life. Why?
because, I was taught to keep hope alive and pursue my
dreams and goals in life as a person. Also, with this being said I can move
forward in pursuing my dreams and goals in life.
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Saturday, November 23, 2013
My Connection to Play
Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how
to learn.
O. Fred DonaldsonContemporary American martial arts master
When children pretend, they’re using their imaginations to move beyond the bounds of reality. A stick can be a magic wand. A sock can be a puppet. A small child can be a superhero.
What I remember about my friends and family members, such as cousins, siblings and friends in my life who supported me in the role of play. We played by imitating, pretending, imagining, creating, engaging and sharing experiences acting out different roles when playing together. They participated with me by acting the role of different characters such as, my mother, teacher, children, and sometimes an animal. Also, giving me the opportunity to be one or the other characters I described above. In other words, they participated in sharing ideas, suggestions, opinions, and we would take turns with each other. We would use different materials. Such as, sticks, rocks, mud, grass, sand/water and other objects. In addition, we shared toys, clothes, hats, wigs, play dishes, buckets, shovels and shoes and other items. For example, a ruler, chalk, and crayons were used to play different activities or games. We would communicate between one another during role play to be someone else or something else, acting out whatever role that involved the character to demonstrate the respect of another person by informing one another if something wasn’t safe. However, if we choose to listen or not at least we were warned by the other individual or parent about the risk or mistakes that may or may not will occurred when playing within our environment. Therefore, our creativity and imagination help us to build different connections to how and individual plays stimulate knowledge or actions about other human beings and their self to learn the different ways of pretending and using their imagination to be an animal or object. Furthermore, play can help an individual to gain understanding of their own learning and development capabilities while enjoying themselves playing with other objects or items of their choice. For instance, play can be considered to be a learning experience about what is the meaning of right and wrong if giving the freedom to explore and learn how things work on your own or with others you can learn from your own mistakes in life. For example, the top picture to the left one little girl is pretending that her hands are an object by using both hands as a yarn spindle to help her friend make a hat for her to wear. Therefore, the little girl to the right is pretending to be her teacher or mother by demonstrating to her how to knit using the yarn in which, they both create an item together using their own creativeness, imagination to make reality come true by role playing and imitating their mother, grandmother or teacher and sharing with each other during role play within their own imaginary world.
How I feel play today is
similar or different from the play in which I engaged in as a child and what I
hope for young people to have the opportunity to learn math, reading and
science that involves participation of an
individual social and physical activity while having fun now in regard
to play. The ways things are similar is that most children are still interested
in learning by playing together with one another in sharing ideas, opinions,
experiences, and exploring, imitating and experimenting the advances and disadvantages
within their environments. For example, the little girl’s playing hop scotch
are having fun participating in an activity together, because it allows them to
be themselves without having any restrictions, predictions or judgments. This game
involves math that consist of numbers, patterns, length and width using an
individual cognitive, social and mental and physical capabilities of abilities
learning about distances that consist of measurements upon playing. and have fun. Also, it teaches a lesson about social and emotional
as well as cognitive that younger or older children can learn from making their
own mistakes or others who are participating in the activity. Therefore, play
consists of becoming knowledgeable, creative while having fun.
Today most children engage
in the role of play is a lot different because most children engage in play by
sitting in front of a T.V. or Computer and playing a game or talking to a
friend on their cell phone or maybe play games on the phone. However, most
children talking on face book because, maybe
they are not allow to associate with other children within their surroundings or explore, experience, experiment their nature world and
habitats. Therefore they don’t know how
to use their imagination and be creative and go outside to play with other children in their
school setting or neighborhood within their own backyard, playground or park in which can be very educational experience within their
environment. Why? Maybe because most parents, teacher’s don’t have time or permission
or maybe just to tired to participate in any mental physical activities . For instance, scavenger hunts, jacks, baseball, football, volleyball, baseball, ring around the roses,
and hokey poky and a monopoly game or even domino’s that will educate them an
ensure a healthy well being fostering nurture and guidance to develop
cognitively, social and emotional healthy growth and development. The
differences are most children are calling out for help from their parent's and teachers to interact or communicate with them and get the individual attention
they need at home or school.
For example, most children
have delays in educational subjects or health because they don’t play a lot or of any physical activities or cognitive games. However, if they played some of the
activities or games like I did then maybe as younger child there want be so
many cases of childhood obesity and educational delays, genetic psychological
disorders that can affect them in learning different subjects that consist of physical,social and emotional capabilities. I learn about applying my fine and gross motor
skills by having the opportunity to be engage with my parent and teachers to show me and allowing me to explore in a mentally and physically active within different
activities while experimenting, with dirt, water, grass, rocks and sticks to be
creative in making my on toys, such as building a house with rocks, box’s or
dirt even if I didn’t have the educational tools at home or school. Having the
opportunity to explore all possibilities within my environment at an young age at home or
school gave me different insights and views about how things work. In addition, during my early childhood years
our coach role model by demonstrating how to play the game.The different about
today most teachers and parent’s will give instructions without participation
among the children in a physical activity which consists of the teacher and
parent’s being involved does not just mean observing the child while they play.
But, it does require and mean engaging with the child sometimes and by teaching them how to
interact and communicate and understand and respect the different diversities
of ones cultural environment, values and morals. In addition, let children have
the freedom or exposure or opportunity of putting it into action that consist
of imagination, creativity, pretending, imitating mentally and physically
within your environment doing role play to capture the knowledge and
capabilities of educating your self about the nature world and everything that
involves using their imaginations to move beyond the bounds of reality.
For example, if you tell a
child to jump off a plastic box, but they never been taught or given the
opportunity to learn the appropriate way how to jump correctly, then how do the
teacher or parent expect for them to jump off the box correctly. When I was
five if my teacher or parent wanted me to learn how to jump rope she or he first
demonstrate to me how to jump rope without getting hurt.
My thoughts regarding the role of play
throughout my earlier childhood life and/or the role of play throughout my childhood and my adulthood
consist of parents and teachers taking the time and patience to be a positive role model by
participating in the social and physical activities inside or outside the
classroom or home. Also, the teachers would give us homework to take home that consist of social and
physical environment with our parents to watch a movie together, go to the park,
putting together a kit, plane, following a cooking recipe, sewing or putting together a model car.
Therefore, people supported
me by learning me how to be creative by using my own experience, ideas or by helping me to
learn from other individuals within my surroundings or environments that
consist of diversity cultural in
different places or using different things from experience or observing people,
places, objects, and items within my nature world. Furthermore, I have the
right to experiment, explore, if given have the opportunity to learn how things
work using my own ideas and creativeness to design and describe how I can use them
while I learn through play. When I played as a young child I enjoying myself having
the freedom to explore on my own at the same time using my own description of
an character and imagination to come true is a visual or hand on learning
experience. For instance, it helps me to learn about life and the things that are created
on earth and was a part of life to understand and appreciate the differences. Furthermore
it helps to have an open mind about people and animals and objects or items and
open up doors for greater opportunities within my community or society during
my early childhood. For example, look, what I am doing today as an early development
teacher. I am giving back to other children who deserved the same opportunity to
learn within their environment and society about their nature world as I did
and to be themselves while having fun and being educated about the people, places,
and things within their world as they use their imagination and creativity within their everyday environment.
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Relationship Reflection

The reason why relationships
and partnerships are important to me in developing and maintaining a family, begins with communication, commitment,
determination and understanding that ensures the foundation to build a sense of
security, love, respect, trust, honesty, passion, and positive support within
individual lives. Also, it is gives me the encouragement to have an on going
connection and bond towards all individuals who are apart of my life and
everyday surroundings. Identifying several people that I currently have a
positive relationships and partnerships with will be my two children and my grandson who contribute to making
a positive impact in my life in many ways. For instance, I have a special love
for both of my children and my grandson. I provide guidance and nurturing through out their lives. Also, I care about them and love their individuality.
When describing the ways in which each relationship is positive and factors
that contributed to developing and maintaining each relationship begins with the hope and strength to develop a goal
in their life and myself. When they were growing up everyday I would help them
with their homework and school projects along with preparing dinner. We’ll have
a family style sitting in which we bless our food before we would eat. I took
them to the park, picnics, art exhibitions, museums, and plays at theater. We
would even go to symphonies and children concerts. We watch movies together and
occasionally we go out of town and sometimes we would eat out at the
restaurant. Furthermore, we attended Church, parent meetings and School
functions together in which they participated in a particular role. Also, we
celebrated as a family birthdays and holidays. We went on shopping trips. My children and my grandson are a big inspiration
in my life and I always tell them how much I loved them and how proud I am of
them. Relationships and partnerships consist of taking consideration of other
individual feelings and not just your own feelings. My future goals were to do what was best for my
family and what is right in their lives by choosing to devote all the time they
needed for support in making them feel comfortable and safe. Also, I support both
of my children while they are currently attending junior college. I communicate
with them all the time and I babysit my grandson while my daughter goes to
school and my son. I also support my son who lives out of town attending
college and playing college basketball. I talk to him every night after his
basketball practice. In order, for me to become successful in making a better
life for both of my children, grandson and myself I must set an positive
example and give back the strength and the will power with the advice which
given to me as a child to complete my education. I have always been a very hard
worker and I have worked a full time
job for twenty six an half years while continuing my education. Once I graduated
from college, I brought a home and a car for my children where they could feel
safe and secure. When describing the insights regarding challenges to
developing and maintaining relationships that I have learned from my experience
over time, started after my divorce I faced my biggest challenges so I decided
to continue my education considering I was a single parent and the head of my
household with low income. This is the reason I appreciate my children and my
grandson because of them I was inspired to become committed as a parent,
grandparent and to be a positive role model in their lives by saying or doing
what is right by pursuing my goals to have a better career so we would not have
to live in poverty anymore. The special characteristics of our relationships
that make partnerships are the passion
and love we build together. A connection to me to strive to met our individual goals by staying in a healthy relationship and
partnerships. Also, it gave us the determination to not settle for less in
life, but to develop and maintain interest in preparing a better life for us
all. Furthermore, we all gain experience and knowledge about striving for a healthy
and productive life. As individuals we learn our relationship and partnership
is built on communication, understanding, respect, honesty, passion, and having
positive support through the good times and through the bad times. We must have
the determination, will power, and staying connect to one another by respecting and taking in
consideration of one another feelings. While working together in order to help one
another reach our goals. Therefore, relationship and partnership to me is the
glue that keeps us together.
Friday, October 25, 2013
When I Think of Child Development
Lady Bird Johnson, former U.S. first lady
"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them."Sundari Sherreitt It is nice to know that there are people still in this world that can
Sincerely Herleen Pickrom Nikiesha Neil Thank you for your encouraging words and for being a positive team player though out this journey. May the words of encouragement follow you though your whatever endeavor you choose to be successful in pursuing in your life. Sincerely Herleen Pickrom |
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Testing for Intelligence?
In considering a commitment to viewing young children holistically it is our commitment as educators, parent’s and other professionals connected to the growth and development of all children rights to ensure the well-being and protection, privacy and safety and understanding of the children as a individual whole person. Therefore what, how and when a child mental and physical ability can play a important role of their health considering if any psychological disorder influence their personal factors involving decision making that may affect him or her mentally and physically in the future within their society. Why? I believe all children should be a protective factor for being measured or assessed upon their psychological disorder. The reason I believe genetic testing plays a valid role in the child physical ability to perform for the well-being of the child. It can cause an impact of a child mind, health and physical, abilities in performance social and emotional in school and society up to adulthood. The effective way children growth and development in each of these domains plays an important role that involves their cognitive, social emotional, physical abilities when implemented in an individual test is not always measure and assessed based on all children genetic testing some children are not evaluated are diagnosed incorrectly and go undiagnosed there are some who are altogether over looked in public schools, parents, and by medical physicians didn’t detected. The reason I can say it is important for parents and teachers to suggest or recommend Genetic testing is base on true story about myself and one of my children and what we experienced in our own personal life having a disability and what challenges we faced. I graduated from High School in 1977 and I was born July 28, 1959 I attended public school for 12 years of being a child who could have fell though the cracks of education but I was blessed with a creative mind and a supporting family, plus I was determine to learn. Considering, I was one of the children who had a disability but no one notice and if they did they never had referred or tested me. I suffered from embarrassment, children made fun of me because I couldn’t read as good as they could when the teacher had us to read out loud in front of our peers. I couldn’t comprehend the information enough to pass a lot of my testes so they made better grades then me and sometimes, called me dumb which that hurt. Growing up with a disability impacts a life of a child though out their adulthood. I put a lot of effort in studying and trying to learn my school work. Therefore, without being consider for having a learning disability during this time in my life cause challenges that impacted my life and will impact other children physically and mentally abilities if they go undetected at a young age. During this time I knew I was different then most of my friends in school as far as learning. I tried clues and strategies and had longer then usual study hours, but that was my creative way of helping me overcome fear in learning, because I didn’t want to fail in school. Therefore, I created will-power. I convinced my self I could learn I just needed support from my family, friends, and teacher’s. If it meant sometimes putting in extra time applying myself in studying my class work. I went unnoticed, undetected and undiagnosed for 12 years in the public school system. The only way I passed my classes in public school is by doing extra credit work or loosing play time. However, once I attended Junior Collage, I discover I had a problem remembering or comprehending information when studying for a test. Therefore, I took upon myself to I speak to a counselor about my problem who preferred me to go and have a Genetic test for mentally and physically pertaining to my educational performance abilities. I made an appointment to The Department for Students with Disabilities Services. Once I was tested and diagnosed with a disability, I was able to get support services threw them to help me maintain my grade level and comprehend information at a given time to overcome my challenges that were created by poverty and become successful academically. When I was attending public school my parent wasn’t educated on every different disability that could effect a child educational performance and the school didn’t have (IEP) Individualized Education Program to evaluated or tested a student mentally or physically abilities in academic performance. My parent couldn’t afford to pay to have me to take a Genetic test for Psychological Disorders. the services help me to prepared how, what and when I needed to use certain strategies about how I could cope with my daily or weekly assignments and testing in school. For example, “Although dyslexia is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders affecting children, prevalence is uncertain and available data are scanty and dated. The objective of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of dyslexia in an unselected school population using clearly defined and rigorous diagnostic criteria and methods.” ( “Results; We recruited 1774 children aged 8–10 years, of which 1528 received parents’ consent to participate. After applying exclusion criteria, 1357 pupils constituted the final working sample. The prevalence of dyslexia in the enrolled population ranged from 3.1% (95% CI 2.2–4.1%) to 3.2% (95% CI 2.4–4.3%) depending on different criteria adopted. In two out of three children with dyslexia the disorder had not been previously diagnosed.” A cross national comparison of dyslexia prevalence in Italy and in the United States confirmed that dyslexia is more prevalent in the United States than in Italy. (
The ways school-age children assessed in Niagara I don’t have a personal affinity for the way the school-age children are assessed in Niagara because I think it is great they have individual help that are trained and offer parent involvement, also, the program is designed to help parents understand their child disability. Plus, it will educate the parent about what intervention plan to use for their child disability. “According to The Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region currently offers multiple programs: Reading Rocks!, Reading Rocks Junior, Let's R.E.A.D., B.E.S.T., and S.L.A.M. for children and youth who have undiagnosed /diagnosed learning disabilities/ADHD. For parents, P.A.C.E. is offered to provide information, strategies, tools and support for raising a child with a learning disability, and an Adult Support Group is offered when interest is shown for adults who are living with a learning disability/ADHD. Furthermore; Please note applicants will be screened for other exceptionalities (i.e. autism, down syndrome, FAS, developmental delays, etc.) as LDANR's mandate is to offer programs and services for those with learning disabilities. LDANR is not designed to treat students with severe mental health or students with severe emotional and behavioral issues. B.E.S.T. and S.L.A.M. programs are not behavioral programs, but rather programs to support children with learning disabilities through LD awareness, self-advocacy, building self-esteem and social skills.
All participants must have the ability to behave in a small group setting. Reading Rocks! is our flagship program that we have been offering at Brock for the past 6 years. In this program, children will work one-to-one with a trained literacy volunteer. The Reading Rocks program responds to an identified need for some students who benefit from explicit instruction and positive re-enforcement and motivation as they develop their phonological awareness and processing skills. This program targets children and youth who struggle with reading and writing skills because of a reading disability. Through one-on-one instruction students work on a variety of literacy skills including: phonics, sight words, fluency, reading and listening comprehension, spelling, grammar, sentence structure, and more. Trained therapy dogs from St. John’s Ambulance also visit the program where the children practice reading to the dogs to help improve their reading abilities! (ages: 5 – 16 years)Furthermore LDANR is the fortunate recipient of an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant that supports these three programs (Reading Rocks! B.E.S.T. & S.T.E.P.S.). Therefore, there is no fee for these three programs while LDANR receives the OTF grant. However, LDANR is a non-profit organization and relies on donations to continue offering services and programs in the Niagara Region. There are many families that now have access to these programs at no cost thanks to the OTF grant. We do ask of those who can afford to make a donation to please do so when registering for a program so that LDANR can continue offering these programs to families at no cost
Also, of one of my children faced challenges in school it started in Head Start and enter in the public school she was consider to be target as a child with behavior problem in kindergarten. Everyday I was called at work that she was a hitting other children and being a distraction in the classroom. Never once did the teacher consider a plan of action that she may need to use interventions to help my child or myself on how to cope control impulses, concentrate, and organize. Such as, implementing a (IEP) which stands for Individual Educational Program, handouts on positive or negative prevention or intervention signs to look for or learn how to develop a plan of action on helping a child cope with different stressful situations. For instance, therapy and a support team in order for her to focus in a school setting with other children. However, I decided to talk to one of the school counselors and she suggested that she be tested. The counselor set up a meeting with the teacher, administrator and myself meeting in which they implemented the (IEP) In the United States an Individualized Education Program, commonly referred to as an IEP, is mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). In Canada and the United Kingdom, an equivalent document is called an Individual Education Plan. An IEP defines the individualized objectives of a child who has been found with a disability, as defined by federal regulations. The IEP is intended to help children reach educational goals more easily than they otherwise would. In all cases the IEP must be tailored to the individual student's needs as identified by the IEP evaluation process, and must especially help teachers and related service providers (such as paraprofessional educators) understand the student's disability and how the disability affects the learning process. The IEP describes how the student learns, how the student best demonstrates that learning and what teachers and service providers will do to help the student learn more effectively. Developing an IEP requires assessing students in all areas related to the known disabilities, simultaneously considering ability to access the general curriculum, considering how the disability affects the student’s learning, forming goals and objectives that correspond to the needs of the student, and choosing a placement in the least restrictive environment possible for the student.”( Therefore, there is no charge for any parent like myself willing to take part in helping a child become successful in life. The government pays for it. However, (ADHD) stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is condition that affects the areas of the brain that help us to control impulses, concentrate, and organize. Studies have shown that it can be treated with medicine, therapy, and other support. ( doesn’t have anything to do with a child behavior. Therefore, my point is genetic testing should be consider because it can affect a child learning capabilities and physical abilities to perform the best of their abilities and every parent, educator and other professions should be educated and train as for as performance and commitment to the well-being of a child to ensure a safe, healthy setting in the public school where children can gain the highest quality of education to meet their individual needs. In considering to viewing young children holistically it is our commitment as educators, parents and other professionals to have a plan of action and I don’t’ believe it should consist of a child taking medication in order to cope with the educational activities in school. Why? For example the prescription drug Quillivant XR that treats ADHD is a “federally controlled substance (CII) because it can be abused or lead to dependence. Keep Quillivant XR in a safe place to prevent misuse and abuse. Selling or giving away Quillivant XR may harm others and is against the law. Tell your doctor if you or your child have (or have a family history of) ever abused or been dependent on alcohol, prescription medicines, or street drugs.”( The additional suggestions and/or concerns related to assessing young children I would like to share with your colleagues will to keep and open mind. If you feel that their may be a concern about a child’s performance don’t be so quick to judge them because there is a reason for a child not being able to gain knowledge due to the evidence of their mentally or physical performance. For example, It maybe children are intelligent or maybe not be intelligent and may need more of a challenge therefore we as educators need to suggest a plan of action to gain their interest in learning. I believe every individual learns differently and we have to find out what’s best for their individual needs. I suggest asking the parent what are their concerns about their child and what do they think can help them in their long term goal? Whether, it’s the child’s mental and physical abilities to become productive in meeting their individual goals in the future. Next, ask the parent what is it they would like from you as their child or children educational care provider in order to help their child or children to become skillful and successful in education and their life in general within society.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Consequences of Stress on Children's Development
Wk4Blog Assignment
I didn’t realize my family
and I were living in poverty until I became old enough to understand that we were
poor. Our Parents had four boys’ ages two weeks and four, five and 10 years old
and one girl. I was only two years old at the time. My father work very hard
trying to provide for us. Unfortunately, for all of us, our mother died leaving
behind five children and a husband. We had to live in government housing for
ten years or more until we graduated from high school. Our family gain stress from
being hurry because we had very little to eat. We didn’t have a lot of toys to
play with so we would make our toys. Therefore, we didn’t have enough money to take
care of all our needs. Such as medical, Food, clothes and shoes were limited growing
up. My brothers and I encounter consequence growing up and sometimes
complications and problems after our mother death. It brought hardship among
the entire family. However, my great aunt moved from Houston, Texas
to live with us as our caregiver who only received hundred dollars a check from
the Social Security Office. Even though she lived with us and tried to help we
were still living in poverty but we weren’t starving. However, my father needed
someone to watch us while he went to work and school. Aunt Lillian would iron clothes for wealthy families
to eared extra money during the week. There were times he just didn’t have money
after paying bills. Therefore, we had to eat whatever was in the house. On some
school days we didn’t have lunch bags and had to take empty ButterKrest bread
bags to put our lunch inside. The children at school would laugh. For example,
some days we would eat sandwiches and chips for dinner it we didn’t have
anything else. My oldest brother would make grits which tasted awful but we would
eat it because we were hungry. A lot of days my father would borrow money, so we
wouldn’t be hurry. Sometimes he wouldn’t eat he would only feed us. Also, if we
had a loose tooth and my father couldn’t afford to take us to the dentist, he take
a piece of thread and tie it around our tooth and the other end of the thread
he would tie it to the doorknob and shut the door and our tooth would come out.
If our stomach hurt my aunt would make
some medicine out of Castrol, cornstarch and with a teaspoon of whisky and
shake it up and give us a tea spoon. After, she would give us a taste of orange
soda to make us feel better. My father would give my oldest brother a dollar to
take to the chicken stand next door by our house, because the manager and my
dad made arrangements so my dad would send
my brothers and myself to knock on the back door and they would give us the
left over chicken in a brown paper bag after closing and my father would heat
it up in the oven and cook a large can of corn to served with it and we ate our
dinner. We will walk to the store and
buy cereal and milk to eat on the weekend every now and then we have bacon and
eggs. Sometimes pancakes with syrup. I recall during my early childhood we had
second hand clothing that was given by some of the military families who drop off
clothes at my father’s job at the hospital.
My aunt would wash and starch our clothes for us and they would look new so we could go to school looking nice and clean. Sometimes, we had to wear shoes that were too little or too big. Sometimes we had to put tissue paper at the toe so they would fit. Next, there were times my brothers and I had to put a piece of cardboard at the bottom of our shoes until our father could afford to buy us some more shoes. If we complained to my great aunt and our dad, they would say, “Thank God you have shoes there are a lot of children who don’t have shoes”.
On Sunday’s our entire family came together
and brought food and we’ll have a big meal for all of the children and adults. They
will bring dishes such as, vegetables and meats, breads, cakes or pies and the
adults and children in the family would eat at grandma apartment. Together my
aunt, grandmother and father showed us how to survive. My family and my self
would go to church and every summer my brothers and my self would attend a Summer Vocational
Bible School. Furthermore, we had join the community parks a
Recreation center, because the services provided a healthy lunch and the
workers would feed us as long as we participated in the program activities. I
would clean a school teacher house on the weekends she paid me five dollars to
clean her whole house. Five dollars would make me feel rich but it was a lot
back in those days. I was in junior middle school and needed to make extra
money for myself to buy the things I wanted to wear by saving my money. Simply,
because I got tried of being teased and the children calling me Grandma at
school because the dresses I had were too long. When I became sixteen years old
I work for a summer program and was able to buy my clothes and shoes for the
next following school term until I was able to finish high school.
My aunt would wash and starch our clothes for us and they would look new so we could go to school looking nice and clean. Sometimes, we had to wear shoes that were too little or too big. Sometimes we had to put tissue paper at the toe so they would fit. Next, there were times my brothers and I had to put a piece of cardboard at the bottom of our shoes until our father could afford to buy us some more shoes. If we complained to my great aunt and our dad, they would say, “Thank God you have shoes there are a lot of children who don’t have shoes”.
How we were able to survive was by having faith and believing in God and
praying. We were able to cope with ramifications by staying together as a
family and work together and attending church to help one another. My father
and aunt loved and cared for us very much because they did provide for us when
we couldn’t provide for ourselves. My father was a good man and our Aunt was a good
lady and we where happy to have them in our lives. I know I can speak for all
of us, because they showed us how much they love and care for us doing these
crises. My father never left his family or gave us up for adoption.
The approach I read on is about child poverty
in Vietnam,
observing the multidimensional of the poorest children living conditions that
are taking place in this urban regional.
In Vietnam it is consider that every
third child is to be multidimensionality poor. Therefore, children who are in
living in poverty due to water sanitation, leisure, shelter, child labor, education
and there is an incidence depth of severity among infants and well as children.
Also, 20% of all children which is the large majority who live in large urban
rural divide and regional disparities, are in the Northern Mountains
regions experience the deepest and most severe poverty.
The children living in the
mountains regions doesn’t have hygienic sanitation facility, In other words
their house’s don’t have private piped water to protect the sewerage septic
tanks when flash their toilets and this consist of a percentage of all children
in ages from 0-15. There is no clean drinking water, therefore it is not safe
for them to drink may cause deaths to an unborn infants or children to be
subject to some kind of impairment to
their mental and physical abilities.
Furthermore, there are child labor laws that are broken due to poverty
and most children ages 5-14 work for an employer in household production or
self- employment, are a family member, a rice field, business or begging on the
streets. Some children might get paid and there are some who don’t get paid for
working, regardless of how many hours the work.
Therefore, leisure is another poverty concern for the young children ages
from 0-4 who don’t have any store brought toys are anyone to make them toys.
As for as education children 0-4 don’t have at least one book or picture
book to look at are have some one to read to them. Also, most children ages
5-15 not enrolled in school or haven’t completed primary schools.
The social poverty includes children ages 0-4 don’t have a birth
Of the estimated 2.2 billion
children worldwide, about a billion, or every second child, live in poverty.[23]
Of the 1.9 billion children in developing nations, 640 million are without
adequate shelter; 400 million are without access to safe water; 270 million
have no access to health services.[24]
In 2003, 10.6 million children died before reaching the age of five, which is
equivalent to the total child population of France,
Germany, Greece, and Italy.[25]
1.4 million die each year from lack of access to safe drinking water and
adequate sanitation while 2.2 million die each year due to lack of
Child Poverty in Vietnam: Providing Insights Using
a Country-Specific and Multidimensional Model
Keetie Roelen Franziska Gassmann ChrisdeNeubourg
What is done to minimize the poverty in Vietnam
According to; PRESS RELEASE
World Bank Group to Invest $700 Million by 2015 to Improve Women and Children’s Health in Poor Countries
September 23, 2013
NEW YORK CITY, September 23, 2013 — Today at the United Nations, World Bank
Group President Jim Yong Kim will announce that the Bank Group projects at
least $700 million in financing through the end of 2015 to help developing
countries reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for women and
children’s health. This new funding comes from the International Development Association
(IDA), the World Bank Group’s fund for the poorest countries, and will enable
national scale-ups of successful pilot reproductive, maternal, and child health
projects that were made possible by support from the Bank Group’s Health
Results Innovation Trust Fund (HRITF) and IDA. This announcement follows
President Kim’s September 2012 commitment to help scale up funding for MDGs 4
and 5 as part of the UN Secretary General’s Every Woman Every Child global
partnership.“We need to inject greater urgency into our collective efforts
to save more women and children’s lives, and evidence shows that results-based
financing has significant impact,” said World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim. “The World Bank Group is
committed to using evidence-based approaches to help ensure that every woman
and every child can get the affordable, quality health care necessary to
survive and live a healthy, productive life.” World Bank Group to Invest $700 Million by 2015 to Improve Women and
Children’s Health in Poor Countries
Child Poverty in
Providing Insights Using a Country-Specific and Multidimensional Model.
Child Poverty in Vietnam: Providing Insights Using
a Country-Specific and Multidimensional Model
Keetie Roelen FranziskaGassmann ChrisdeNeubourg
World Bank Group to Invest $700 Million by 2015 to Improve Women and Children’s Health in Poor Countries
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Child Development and Public Health
Wk2Blog Assignment
Child Development and Public Health
Immunization is very meaningful to me because it affects the well-being
of a human- being who can not provided for them self the necessities needed to
be healthy productive individual in their community or society though out their
entire life. If children and families suffer because of the lack of money or
inappropriate behavior of some adults who field to get the appropriate
education, training, care and support not just this economy fields, but everyone
in the world will be effective by this crises mentally, physically and
financially. I love all children and I take health care of an individual very serious,
because the children or our future and if we as parent’s and professional don’t
provide the best health care for them I can’t image what type of future we will
have if everyone born doesn’t get medical treated. Can you? Why, Because I am a
mother and grandmother and I couldn’t even image having to go through life
knowing that I couldn’t get the proper health care for my children or
grandchild. Especially if I couldn’t afford the medical cost or there wasn’t
any one who was available at the time I needed health care for them who had the
proper training or didn’t have the availability to perform and practice
the procedure I need for my child when he or she was born to provide the
appropriate support.
“In Sub-Saharan Africa children and families are affected with the
highest rates of (PCEHL) which is permanent congenital and early outset of hearing
loss in neonatal the newborn babies, zero-three months and infants four –
twelve month old babies and child mortality. The (PCEHL) affects the
psychosocial, educational, and economic, and consequences Highlights within the
interrelationships between the region that causes a global burden.”
The majority of children from birth to early development are not always
provided Immunization or detected at an early age and or cased out of their
home, sometimes sent to live with other relatives or society because of their
disability. The reason this has taken place because of the lack of education,
training or money. Some of the children who have develop an disease are taught
to do arts and crafts and are not able to go to school because of their
disability and some children or place on the streets to sell items they made to
survive though out their adulthood. Some of the parents keep their child
isolated and want bring them out in public, also, some parents disown their
child or children with a disability because others think or them self might
think of the child being evil.
”Evidence from the
developed world suggests that many of the adverse consequences of permanent
congenital and early-onset hearing loss (PCEHL) can be avoided or significantly
mini-mized if these children are detected preferably in the first three months
of life, and provided with auditory stimulation involving active family
participation not beyond the first year of life (Watkin et al, 2007; Moeller,
2000; Kennedy et al, 2006;
Yoshinaga-Itano et
al; 1998). According to research; “Sub-Saharan Africa has a population of 748.9
million spread over a land mass of 24.3 million square meters and 46 countries with
wide ethnic, linguistic, religious, economic, and cultural diversity. Although,
the population represents 11.4% of the world’s population, an estimated 45% or
more of its people live below the poverty line, on less than US$1 a day.”
(Priorities for early hearing detection and intervention in sub-Saharan Africa. Olusanya, Bolajoko O. International Journal of Audiology. Sep2008)
(Priorities for early hearing detection and intervention in sub-Saharan Africa. Olusanya, Bolajoko O. International Journal of Audiology. Sep2008)
“The article explains about the
birth patterns and routine immunization schedules in the first three months of birth
that are needed to stop the diseases academic within the regions. Initiatives and
early intervention is needed in the country. In other words, professionals,
such as doctors, nurses and teachers are a big concern as far as current
practices, there is a shortage of staff training and in the medical and
educational field.”
“There is currently
no reliable data on the manpower size of ear-care professionals, particularly,
otolaryngologists, audiologists, speech pathologists, and teachers of the deaf
in the region. In
Ideal situations,
audiologists and/or ENT surgeons or physicians will be required to provide
diagnostic and rehabilitative services under the coordination of a child health
specialist or develop-mental pediatrician. “In Lagos
State, the most developed and
urbanized state in Nigeria,
there are less than 25 otolaryngologists serving an estimated population of 15
million. The average period spent in an Ear, Nose, and Throat or Audiology
posting by medical students is less than four weeks during their undergraduate
training. Formal full-time training for audiology and speech pathology are
lacking in most tertiary institutions although the country has ever all public
and private universities. The only available training is offered in two
universities as part-time and post-graduate diplomas for candidates in special
education. In fact, there are less than 10 certified audiologists in the
country and the status of training for audiologists has not shown any
improvement since the report by Eleweke (1997).”
(Priorities for early hearing detection and intervention in sub-Saharan Africa. Olusanya, Bolajoko O. International Journal of Audiology. Sep2008)
(Priorities for early hearing detection and intervention in sub-Saharan Africa. Olusanya, Bolajoko O. International Journal of Audiology. Sep2008)
“ According to research; it is a proven fact
that many of the countries with the highest burden of maternal, infant, and
child mortality also account for corresponding proportions of developmentally
disadvantaged children globally, excluding sensory disabilities for which
reliable data are only just emerging(Grantham-McGregor et al, 2007). About 180
000 babies are born with or acquire permanent hearing loss (40 dBHL) in the
first weeks of life in sub-Saharan Africa annually (based on an estimated
incidence of 6 per 1000 live births), compared to 22 000 44 000 babies in all
the industrialized countries combined (based an estimated incidence of 24 per
1000) (Olusanya & Newton, 2007; UNICEF, 2007;Smith et al, 2005).”
(Priorities for early hearing detection and intervention in sub-Saharan Africa. Olusanya, Bolajoko O. International Journal of Audiology. Sep2008)
(Priorities for early hearing detection and intervention in sub-Saharan Africa. Olusanya, Bolajoko O. International Journal of Audiology. Sep2008)
I learned from the
information I read it can impact my future world as a teacher if children and
families are not able to comprehend or function because of poor health they
can’t learn. It truly hurt me as a individual and as a professional if I can’t identify
are provided the appropriate support to detect or any health concerns involving
the child will cause them suffer from cognitive, linguistic, and psychosocial
development. In other words, failure to identify any health related problem at
birth or early in life impacts children and families to perform and function in
their entire life course crucially impacts me trying to teach them to perform
successfully in education and vocational training because they wouldn’t be able
to perform to their best abilities if they were unhealthy. I wouldn’t have a
job if I couldn’t provide the appropriate services to the children and their
families. It is my responsibility as an individual, parent and professional to
be able to detect or provided update information and report information
concerning any health issues that involves the children and families in my
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Childbirth In Your Life and Around the World
My first personal birth
experience begin August 10, 1988 when I gave birth at 11: 14 a.m. to a six
pound and 10 ½ ounce healthy beautiful baby girl. I was in labor for 11 hours
waiting to give birth. However, my daughter wasn’t in a hurry. I ask if I could
have something for pain. They made me wait. Also, I ask the nurse if I can have
something to eat, because I been there all night without and food. She said
nothing heavy only water and crackers. Next, I was praying I live though it
all. The nurse gave me enema and an I.V. That way I would go to the restroom
and become totally cleaned out.
The pain was so unbearable I
couldn’t eat anything. I kept squeezing the pillow hoping to ease the pain. Oh well,
that didn’t happen at all, Okay. I remember my daughter’s father being in the
delivery room with me trying to comfort me and I wanted him to leave the room
because he was just getting on my nerves. He decided to step out for a few
minutes until I clam down. Next, my sister in-law came in and tried to coach me
by asking me to breath out each time I had a contraction. So, I did but nothing
seems to help at this time I was at my breaking point. However, my dear sweet god
mother who was a OB Nurse coach me and my father tried to comfort me as well, but I wasn’t
having it. Everyone seems to be getting on my nerves. I know they were trying
to help but the pain was so intense that nothing or anyone wouldn’t have eased
the pain. At least I figure that much out. The doctor had decided to do an
ultrasound, because I had dilated ten centimeters and the baby wasn’t moving but
her heart was still beating she was in the right position. The doctor said she
is sleeping. I said what! Then laugh. Even the doctor could see her crown but
she still wasn’t moving. I had stayed at the hospital all night and was just
Once they saw the baby though
the x-ray they told me she was just fine and I needed to clam down. I was
thinking really? It felt like I was being cut by knives each time I had a
contraction. Therefore, the doctor decided to induce labor. I remember being in
so much pain and at the same time I was hungry.Therefore, I appreciated his humor, even though I didn’t think it
was that funny at the time. But at least he took away some of the tense I was
feeling for a moment. Next, the doctor gave me an epidural
to ease the pain. It did help me a little but I could still feel the pain, Therefore,
I agree to go along with the doctor orders. I push and push but still had
complications trying to delivery my daughter. I remember thinking and saying to
the doctor take the baby out and he said he would have to cut me in order to
grab a hold of her head. I started praying and said O’ Lord Help please me and
my baby. Now that my daughter was ready to wake up and visit her new family.
Things seems a little scary at first, the doctor had the nurse to bring him the
giant needle to give me a shot in my spine. But, once my daughter was born it
was all worth it.
I choose this event because it was
educational and the most beautiful life experience. My thoughts having my first
child and being the first time mother made a positive influence in my life.
Also, my baby girl gave me hope to make a different in her life and wanting to
make a different in my life. I decided to continue my education and have a
better life for the both of us. I didn’t have any ideal or clue in what to
expect delivering a baby. However, being the only girl of four boys and my
mother died when I was two years old left me clueless as a young woman about to
have a child. I can say hearing and seeing is different, but experiencing life
for yourself, it’s nothing like it. This is why I think first time moms need to be
educated about child development and birth before becoming pregnant. Taken into consideration
to what I have learn from reading this chapter I would have been more
considerate towards the people who was there to comfort me more appreciated
for their support knowing how much of affect they had on my newborn baby and
myself. I wasn’t educated about giving birth at that time but I can say I’m
truly educated about prenatal development. Now, I can say I have learned the
hard way. Knowing the effects or impacts of what can effect the baby and me during
delivery would have made my delivery less complicated for the baby, myself and
everyone involved. I decided to choose ABUJA, Nigeria, because it was very educating to learn how child birth take place in the country. I learned that a lot of the women were not educated to the fact that they need urgent care and medical supervision when having a baby. The women who were in labor are put in dangerous situations such as, they couldn’t afford to go to a hospital they would press a stick on her stomach or cut her vagina with a knife. Also, if they didn’t have transportation or money they had to deliver the baby from a poor village without any medical emergency treatment available. Also, there have been cases at the hospital once the women arrived at hospital there might not be electricity available for the doctor to perform the surgery on the expected mom or a doctor or nurse on duty. Furthermore, some women give birth had to be took to the nearest hospital on a camel, donkey or carried by hand on a motorcycle. Women in remote village only have a few hours to get medical emergency treatment or an expert to deliver her baby and it might not be available.
“Nearly one in six material childbirth globally occurs in Nigeria. If a woman from a poor village starts to bleed excessively during childbirth, she has only hours to live without emergency medical treatment, Obinya said. In many remote villages, she said, modern transportation is not always available and even if it is, many women can’t afford to pay the fare.” More from Global Post: Saving girls from senseless deaths
While maternal death rates around the world have almost been cut into half over the past two decades, according to the UN report, Nigeria’s rate — 630 deaths for every 100,000 live births — is the world’s 10th highest, behind nine other sub-Saharan African countries led by Chad and Somalia.
Obinya said poverty, isolation, traditions and lack of access to health care are among the other causes for the high death rate of women during childbirth.
The differences are we have access to emergency medical treatment, equipment, supplies and ambulance in which they don’t have 24/7 always available. When ever I look at the similarities we are human beings but we have different customs and beliefs and laws in our country. I believe no person should be treated with injustice and go without medical treatment 24/7 or being educated about child birth. In addition, hindsight as a women I am bless to have medical necessities need such as medication for pain 24/7 in cause of a dangerous situations. Also, the knowledge on development I gained about how important it is to be educated about life itself and to be a U.S. Citizen.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Blog Assignment: A Note of Thanks and Support
Violet Watson, as I reflect back to the beginning of the course studies in the foundations of early childhood development you have been an awesome supportive teammate. Also, a great inspiration to me and I appreciate your motivation you have given. I can truly say you are one of a million that can make a difference in the field of education and other individual lives. Your dedication as an educational professional says a lot about your standards as a person. It is good to know that there are people still in this world who care and love helping our children families and other individuals succeed in life. I truly wish you the best in your future achievements.
Again, thank you very much for your positive words of support and inspiration as a fellow classmate. Keep up the good work.
Congratulation! You are a winner!
Dominique Metoyer, I like to greatly thank you for your positive support as a wonderful teammate. You were one of the first people to comment on my blog. Your words of encouragements clearly shows you to be a phenomenal person. It take a true professional like your self to give credit to another person work or effort with so much inspiration, and motivation in what you say and do. Your personally will change individuals lives in a positive way. The words that you shared gave me encouragement to continue my education in the early childhood field and to do what is best and say for all children and families well-being.
I sincerely thank you and appreciate you taking out the time and responding to my blogs. In pursuing your M.S. in the early childhood field or the other goals in your life you will be successful in whatever you set out to accomplish in life because of your positive attitude.
Congratulation! You are a winner!
P.S. Ladies, as advocates for children and families in the early childhood development field, I like to say, You Rock!
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