The reason why relationships
and partnerships are important to me in developing and maintaining a family, begins with communication, commitment,
determination and understanding that ensures the foundation to build a sense of
security, love, respect, trust, honesty, passion, and positive support within
individual lives. Also, it is gives me the encouragement to have an on going
connection and bond towards all individuals who are apart of my life and
everyday surroundings. Identifying several people that I currently have a
positive relationships and partnerships with will be my two children and my grandson who contribute to making
a positive impact in my life in many ways. For instance, I have a special love
for both of my children and my grandson. I provide guidance and nurturing through out their lives. Also, I care about them and love their individuality.
When describing the ways in which each relationship is positive and factors
that contributed to developing and maintaining each relationship begins with the hope and strength to develop a goal
in their life and myself. When they were growing up everyday I would help them
with their homework and school projects along with preparing dinner. We’ll have
a family style sitting in which we bless our food before we would eat. I took
them to the park, picnics, art exhibitions, museums, and plays at theater. We
would even go to symphonies and children concerts. We watch movies together and
occasionally we go out of town and sometimes we would eat out at the
restaurant. Furthermore, we attended Church, parent meetings and School
functions together in which they participated in a particular role. Also, we
celebrated as a family birthdays and holidays. We went on shopping trips. My children and my grandson are a big inspiration
in my life and I always tell them how much I loved them and how proud I am of
them. Relationships and partnerships consist of taking consideration of other
individual feelings and not just your own feelings. My future goals were to do what was best for my
family and what is right in their lives by choosing to devote all the time they
needed for support in making them feel comfortable and safe. Also, I support both
of my children while they are currently attending junior college. I communicate
with them all the time and I babysit my grandson while my daughter goes to
school and my son. I also support my son who lives out of town attending
college and playing college basketball. I talk to him every night after his
basketball practice. In order, for me to become successful in making a better
life for both of my children, grandson and myself I must set an positive
example and give back the strength and the will power with the advice which
given to me as a child to complete my education. I have always been a very hard
worker and I have worked a full time
job for twenty six an half years while continuing my education. Once I graduated
from college, I brought a home and a car for my children where they could feel
safe and secure. When describing the insights regarding challenges to
developing and maintaining relationships that I have learned from my experience
over time, started after my divorce I faced my biggest challenges so I decided
to continue my education considering I was a single parent and the head of my
household with low income. This is the reason I appreciate my children and my
grandson because of them I was inspired to become committed as a parent,
grandparent and to be a positive role model in their lives by saying or doing
what is right by pursuing my goals to have a better career so we would not have
to live in poverty anymore. The special characteristics of our relationships
that make partnerships are the passion
and love we build together. A connection to me to strive to met our individual goals by staying in a healthy relationship and
partnerships. Also, it gave us the determination to not settle for less in
life, but to develop and maintain interest in preparing a better life for us
all. Furthermore, we all gain experience and knowledge about striving for a healthy
and productive life. As individuals we learn our relationship and partnership
is built on communication, understanding, respect, honesty, passion, and having
positive support through the good times and through the bad times. We must have
the determination, will power, and staying connect to one another by respecting and taking in
consideration of one another feelings. While working together in order to help one
another reach our goals. Therefore, relationship and partnership to me is the
glue that keeps us together.
Wow I can really see that you are getting along with the help of your immediate family! What an inspiration to life, isn't it? We really are blessed to have such caring and motivating people to support us and push us to reach our full potential and vis-versa!