Saturday, July 13, 2013

Making A Difference

"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them."- Lady Bird Johnson, former U.S. first lady.The reason why I decided to share this quote about children is because I found it had truth to it. I feel that what a parent /and teacher believes and say about a child can affect them in positive or negative way. It can shape how they see themselves as a person and what expectations they pursue in life. Also, it can affect what they believe they are capable of doing as an individual in order to succeed.

The reason why I decided to use this child's drawing is because I see children smiling and holding up different shapes. It says to me look what we can do as a team we can make each other happy no matter what shape you maybe in working together makes a difference in everyone life. I'm proud to be apart of the team of individuals that helps shapes the youth of America.

The very hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a book I like to read to the children,because they love and enjoyed the story. In addition, they are learning about the different variety of foods in which they are familiar with and love to eat .The children love how the caterpillar became a beautiful butterfly.

                                                       Making A Difference
My beginners blog of making a difference in one person life is base on my life experience working with children. One child who inspired me had a disability called Multiple Sclerosis, he was born with the disease that attacks the nervous system, which can impact your speech and physical ability as you grow. It will eventually will affect any physical activities. But, he didn't let that stop him from accomplishing his dreams in life. He gave everything he had in his self to reach his goals. First he had to learn to have patience, to stay positive and persevere. If he didn't succeed in what he was trying to do and he fell down trying he would get up, dust his self off and try again until he succeeded at his task. His teacher and I worked with him each and everyday and we even had him to enter the special Olympics each year. Every year he always came on top of the game. He won red and blue ribbons in bowling,basketball,and track. I loved that he didn't let his disability discouraged him. He learn how to jump over obstacles in his way and let no one discourage him. If there was ever a moment when he had fear being around other children who were different from him both emotionally and physically, he never showed it.He always kept his head up high with a beautiful smile on his face. Nothing or no one stop him from the love he had for participating in his favorite sports. After he completed middle school he didn't stop there. One afternoon I saw him at the grocery store with his parents and he had the biggest smile on his face , " Ms. Pickrom I made the basketball team at my high school."I remembered his Special Education teacher, who was the girls basketball coach, I was her instructional assistant at the time and we both assisted him by training him everyday at P.E. I remember during that time he did not know how to even throw a ball. That's why I said that day to him, "Fantastic job, I'm proud of you. Keep up the good work." I thought to myself that this was a job well done "Herleen". It was a good feeling of excitement and it felt rewarding to know I can make a difference working with children. That day I became inspired even more in my career knowing that I can make a change in other individuals lives. Several years later I saw his mother and she came up to me in church. She hand me an invitation to attend his graduation from college. She stated that he was receiving his PhD. in Theology. His parents were always involved in his life. I believed that the parent's willingness to contribute in his life made all the difference his education. That's why parent involvement plays the most critical part in a child's education. I believe that when parents and educators work together we can make all the difference in their life. He became an inspiration to me because of the fact that he continued to believe in his self and preserved throughout out the challenges in his life in order to reach his goals in life. It's rewarding that I had the opportunity to help make a difference. Because he had the courage to overcome his fears and taking chances to reach his goal and objectives in learning was truly inspirational to me.

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