Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wk 8: Time Well Spent

The three deeply felt learnings from this programs consist of the following list below:
·                To help me understand the compassion of individuals from diverse cultures with the ability or disability to become successful within reaching their individual goals and aspirations within academic achievements. I learn is to believe in trust and be honest with myself in order to help and create, interaction with other individuals by using effective communication and sharing knowledge, ideas, own experiences and educational resources.
·               To be knowledgeable about who we are and what hope, vision, goals and dreams can be successful for the children and families to succeed academically if we put our minds together to make it happen it can happen. In other words together we stand and divided we fold. Therefore, we must “share our individual wisdom with each other”(Laurcate Education, 2011).
·               Contribute to children and their families by sharing trust, honesty, and respect, support one another to learn and grow as professionals within the community and throughout society globally. For instance, “To create a saver more injustice world for the kids” (Louise Derman Sparks, 2011).
The one long-term goal will consist of making and different in the lives of the children and families who are at risk that face a challenges with specific learning disabilities related to dyslexia disorders and other learning disabilities. To developmentally have appropriate accommodations and fair treatment within providing equal opportunities within the home, schools, community, and other supporting stakeholders. In addition, to have positive outcomes within being successful learners academically within receiving accessibility and availability of high quality education within all early child care, post and secondary schools.

To: Dr. Dartt and my Fellow colleagues
I learned so much valuable knowledge within your excellent post you contribute within this course. I will be proud to share the knowledge with the children and families in which I work within my community. Therefore, I thank you and I have the upmost respect and for you’ll always within the upcoming years. I know it will help me to create new ideas that will contribute to the content of exploring options for members of the community of practice, professionals and organizations.
I enjoyed each and every one of your insights and thank you’ll  for contributing to a brighter future for the children and families in which, will help me to support them throughout my journey .This has been an exciting year working with you. Therefore, I wish everyone have all success you need to succeed to reach your individual goals within your lives.

Thank you!

Here are my favorite quotes in which, I hope you enjoy.
·         “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”— (Martin Luther King, Jr 2015).
·         “ We rise by Lifting others”- Robert Ingersoll
·         Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – (Harriet Tubman, (2015).
·         When I reflect back about the valuable insights my instructor and my colleagues contribute within collaboration within discussing the issues and trends to make this world within the early childhood program to be a better place to live in for the children and families within the community. I learned that trust, honesty, respect and support is the key to education. In which, providing motivation to other’s will develop high quality education and effective communication upon suggestions and opinions in which, collaboration and sharing one’s ideas develops a plan of action to help an individual reach their goals within society. Therefore, this will help carry me the rest of the way within accomplishing my goal within my life. I will remember unique people who contribute valuable insights within this course in the early childhood development field at Walden University.
Herleen Pickrom
Contact information-
Great Quotes for kids About Passion and Enthusiasm-
Luther King, Jr 2014).
Great Quotes for kids About Passion and Enthusiasm,(2015)-
(Harriet Tubman,2015)-,
Great Quotes for kids About Passion and Enthusiasm-
Robert Ingersoll ,(2015)-,
(Laurcate Education, 2011).
(Louise Derman Sparks, 2011).

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week 6 - Blog Assignment: Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The three international organizations or communities of practice that appealed to me and why I chose them are listed below:

           The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Why?, because they advocate for a good cause that upholds the integrity of children and families at risk due to disadvantages out of their control. Furthermore, their community of practice relates to my vision in which, my main focus and mission is to promote the well- being of all children regardless of their ability or disability. It is an organization that advocate for children at risk and fosters the well-being for all children everywhere to protect their civil rights and provide equal opportunities within early childhood development in which, includes the adolescence. The (UNICEF) mission is to help children reach their full potential by promoting high quality education to the children at risk due to disadvantages relating to their disability or in a fragile situations related to poverty. For instance, “One billion of the world’s six billion people live in fragile states, and one third of all people surviving on less than USD 1 per day. Of all the children in the world who die before reaching their fifth birthday, half were born in these countries” (OECD-DAC 2007). In addition, it is “leading trait that international development actors use to define fragile states is their (in)ability to provide basic services to the poor, either as a result of a lack of political will, weak capacity, or both”(ODI, 2008).

    Furthermore, I choose “Save the Children because their community of practice also, promote education to children in which, the child or children can gain high quality education within the home and school. In addition, I chose the Academy for Education Development in this program train teachers, parents, community volunteers and other child care providers effective strategies in which, includes language ,social, emotional, physical and cognitive development to assist children to learn early on, in preparation before they start school. In addition, to promote long-term positive and healthy outcomes with the children individual lives. Save the Children is to prevent children from dropping out of school and falling behind, heal, learn and be prepared before the child or children enter school. Furthermore, “The study main focus determinants the key behaviors and their socio-ecological contexts with innovative and participatory research methods to address factors at multiple levels” (, 2011). For instance, “increasing capacity in design, implementation and evaluation through systematic assessment, training and mentoring frameworks by using face-to-face and online trainings and Establishing university courses for institutionalized capacity in countries to learn more about behavior change, communication, strategic planning and policy analysis” (, 2011).

The skills and experience I would need to competently fulfill each of these as follow below:

There wasn’t any job opportunities’ I was interest in at this time with. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)”. (, page 1, 2008).

However, I was interested in working for “The Academy for Education Development

The skills and experience I would need to competently fulfill each of these roles working with The Academy for Education Development” (, 2011 ).

              Center on Technology and Disability- 

The Center on Technology and Disability (CTD) increases the capacity of U.S. families and educators to learn about, acquire or implement effective assistive technology (AT) and instructional technology (IT) devices and services. This collaborative project brings together the collective power of FHI 360, the American Institutes for Research and PACER Center. These organizations bring to CTD over 25 years of expertise in AT and IT.
I would be interested in this position, however I don’t qualify” (
·         “Human Resources Specialist, P-3, Nairobi, Kenya, ESARO
Qualifications of Successful Candidate
- An advanced university degree (Master's) in Human Resources Management, Public Administration, Business Administration, International Relations, Social Sciences, Psychology or a related field is required.

- A minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience, at the national and international levels, in Human Resources Management is required.

- Prior work experience in emergency duty station is an asset.

- Fluency in English (written & verbal) is required. Knowledge of French and/or Portuguese is desirable. Knowledge of an additional UN Language (Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish) is considered an asset” (

“Save the Children”( I would be interested in this position but I don’t qualify. There wasn’t any other positions I was interested in doing at this time. 
·          Emergency Responders - Standard deployments include individuals with functional expertise in Operations, Logistics, Media, Proposal & Grants, Human Resources, Finance, Communications, Security, Technical Programmes, Education and Monitoring and Evaluation” (

·         United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

·          Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved from

·          Academy for Educational Development. (2011). Retrieved from

The World Bank in Fragile Situations: An Issues Paper -, 2008.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Blog Assignment: Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

     The three Job opportunities currently available that interest me by the national/federal organizations or communities of practice that appealed to are listed below: 
NAEYC Academy for Early Childhood Program Accreditation
·         Job Title - Reliability Specialist 
Duties: “to support the work of our Accreditation System which administers a national, voluntary, professionally sponsored system to help improve the quality of care and education provided for young children in group programs throughout the US.  
Works as a member of the national team overseeing the process of accreditation for early childhood programs.
Responsibilities - include working with child care program staff, NAEYC’s nationwide network of accreditation field assessors, and other NAEYC staff involved in the accreditation process. 
The Reliability Specialist - helps develop, revise and maintain instruments, forms and protocols used in accreditation site visit assessments; 
Support, train and monitor the performance of field assessors; support field assessors in their roles; travel to conduct field assessments or present training workshops;
 Help develop training workshops and materials; and perform analysis of the data collected and instruments used during assessment site visits”(, 2005, page 1, par. 4).
National and community Service – AmeriCorps
·         Job title: Austin Early Education Center Specialist
Duties: “Three members will deliver language comprehension assessments of children at ten early education centers. United Way will provide all training on the assessment tool and the training required by the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services. United Way would prefer bilingual candidates with some graduate-level experience in conducting research and collecting data. Members will need to have access to reliable transportation and experience with Microsoft Excel” (, 2015 page 1, par. 1 ).
Job title: Early Literacy Teacher
“Make a difference in a child's life by teaching them to read. ACE Members serve as literacy tutors for struggling readers in Kindergarten to 2nd grade in Austin, Texas. In addition, during this time, members will also attend team meetings, and compile student data. Members serve an additional 6 hours throughout the week by contributing to the greater Austin community through community partnerships with other non-profit organizations and in after-school programs.” (, 2015 page 2, par. 2).
Skills and experience need to competently fulfill each of these roles includes the following list below:
Bilingual candidates - social services, technology. In addition, helps develop, revise and maintain instruments, forms and protocols used in accreditation site visit assessments and overseeing the process of accreditation for early childhood programs.
           Why, I chose these three job occupation is because I have a common interest in the issue and trends in full filling the roles to help children and families who are at risk. I want to serve as an advocate in helping the children and families succeed academically within their community and society. In addition, I would be interested to help promote and share ideas, by providing my experience, knowledge about the quality of child care and education for staff and young children in group programs within the United States and globally. Furthermore, as an advocate to reach their individual goals in order for the child or children and families to be successful socially and emotionally. So they can be productive citizens within the community and society. In addition, holding a positive and strong leadership to teach child care professionals within the classroom how collaborate and communicate effectively. For instance, to implement their own personal experience and ideas to develop quality assessment, to have a clear understanding about how provide the quality assessment and process of accreditation for early childhood programs used to help promote quality care for staff, children and their families.
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), 2005
National and Community Service –, 2015
National and community Service – AmeriCorps

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Blog Assignment: Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

The three local or state organizations, or communities of practice that appealed to me are listed below: • Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System “The Texas Early Learning Council is an advisory council established by Governor Rick Perry in late 2009. In 2010, the Council was awarded a three-year grant from the federal government to achieve a series of goals towards improving school readiness in Texas through targeted strategies stemming from the Council's four priority areas”( page 1 par. 1) • Community health workers (CHWs) “Have a close understanding of the community they serve. This trusting relationship enables them to serve as a liaison/link/intermediary between health/social services and the community to facilitate access to services and improve the quality and cultural competence of service delivery”( 2015 page 1 par. 1) • NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs “They use their understanding of young children’s characteristics and needs and of the multiple interacting influences on children’s development and learning to create environments that are healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging for each child”( 2009, page 11 par.1) I decided to choose the three organizations or communities of practice listed above in which, appealed to me is their goal and mission to develop and identify the needs in early child care and make it a priority for improving the education system and facilitate high-quality outcomes. All children and families from diverse cultures can benefit from the development strategies engaging in school readiness programs. In addition, they all have a concern and passion and purpose in which is to help children and families within the community to have the accessibility and availability to be successful and achieve high quality education. Therefore, the organizations provide services to ensure the children and families receive quality child care based on assessments that help target the strengths and weakness of a child by promoting respect, support, trustful relationships. 
In addition, to process a healthy foundation of knowledge and improving the children and families skills within the growth and development. The individual needs and capability of children and families, educational resources to help a child with or without a disability to be successful academically with each domain.Also, this is achieved by ensuring learning age appropriate skills cognitively, physical, social and emotional in connection to the well-being of the children and families. In addition, to protect the lives of children within the care throughout each community to be honored by the code of ethnic ensuring there is an intervention and prevention plan of action that will help foster their growth and development, providing educational resources consisting of health, nutritional services in order for children to have a healthy, productive and positive outcomes long term throughout their lives academically within society.
Job opportunities currently available that interest me would be listed below as follow; • Senior Director, NAEYC Academy for Early Childhood Program Accreditation • Foster Family Worker • Advisory council The skills and experience that I would need to competently fulfill each of these roles consist of the following listed below: • “Senior Director, skills and experience I need will be to “Reach out to states and other systems to form partnerships that utilize NAEYC Accreditation as a cost-effective approach to improving early childhood systems.” ( 2005 page 1, par.1). • Foster Family Worker I would be interested in pursuing, however- “There are no current employment opportunities with Angels Foster Family Network” ( page 1 par. 1). • Advisory council skills and experience is being knowledgeable about “the Core Competencies and the knowledge and skills that early childhood professionals should possess to be successful in their careers aligned with corresponding categories of competencies: beginner competencies, intermediate competencies, or advanced competencies” ( page 1 par. 1). In conculsion, I feel each of these opprotunities will help me fullfill my vision and mission within the early childhood education field. Based on my concern and passion to help foster the well-bing of every child and their families to have healthy productive lives within their community and society. Reference:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A Note of Professional Thanks


 I like to thank my colleagues and my instructor for being a dedicated or committed to a task or purpose in life in order to help me gain knowledge. That way I am able to help all children and families from diverse cultures and ethnic backgrounds across the world. You’ll have been a great inspiration, encouragement, support and respectful colleagues. Also, providing excellent information, insights and new ideas that help me to accomplish and be successful in obtaining my goals in life in order to continue on my professional path. 
Thank you, for reading my post and for your excellent feed back and listening to my voice and inspiring my heart. Lastly, providing me the willingness, excellent insights and perspectives on how to move forward in my specialization courses.

P. S. If you wish to share your contact information so you can stay in touch and continue to encourage and support each other as you move through the program you can contact me at This email address below; or through my blog link
Thank you

Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Five stages of team development

The aspects of the groups in which I have been involved pursing my Master of Science degree consisted of forming group development of negotiation within an open group discussion between members of the group were the hardest to say good-bye to. The groups in which I was placed in made me feel welcome and comfortable with trusting, respecting and supporting my identity and culture differences by sharing ideas and opinions when combining our skills and knowledge, personal experiences and perspectives towards the goals of the group without having any conflict of interest between one another within the discussion. Therefore, considering adjourning stage each group member response to another group member post in which there may be an agreement or a disagreement of the determination of the outcome of the task.

     The high-performing groups are the hardest to leave because of the accomplishments as a team, we gained a passionate attitude to other’s feelings within the group have established norms of expected behaviors of group members to be accepted. In which, group members develop a combination of skills and knowledge to work together towards the group goals in which builds a strong group to have positive outcomes. However, the groups with the clearest established norms set the pattern of evidence for the effectiveness of the task to reflect on individual’s group member’s physical challenges, accomplishments and cooperation in exchange personal perspectives. To which each group member learns about insights about the diversity of the world from different ethnic backgrounds personal and professional experiences with the assign task. Furthermore, the groups I participated in which was the hardest to leave were the groups who value other group members and showed dedication, determination, respect, support, trust, kinship, and unlimited positive feedback towards working together as a group.

     The reason why these groups were the hardest to leave because they showed compassion for one another and the willingness to help other group members to accomplish being successful. The sorts of closing rituals I have experienced or wish I had experienced where based on the steps in between each other differences may have experience forming, group members move into the storming stage. In which, the individual group member may have begun to experience conflicts of interest over issues relating to what they may felt was value or an interest within the task. Such as, not participate in responding to a particular post maybe because some group members may have felt it wasn't interesting as the other member post, therefore, that group member may have been voted off. I imagine that I will adjourn from the group of colleagues I have formed while working on my master's degree in this program because I have accomplish knowledge and skills about why is adjourning an essential stage of teamwork and I can use this knowledge to gain future accomplishments in reaching my goal in life and helping other individual reach their individual goals within their lives.


O’Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction (2nd ed.). New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Conflicts Resolution

    I have recently experienced a conflict at my current job between a staff person and myself. I was placed in a classroom with a teacher who had been there for two years working in the classroom by herself. However, the director needed two teachers per classroom in which I was the lucky person who was hired for the position. The conflict raised when I decided to set the table for the children. I just wanted to be a team player and do my share of the work load and not leave all the work up to the other teacher to perform by herself.However, she watches me set the table and after I was done placing everything on the table, she walk over to the table and pick up all the dishes and silverware. After the children laid down to take a nap and felt to sleep, I said, "Did I do something wrong" and she said, "to me this is the way I like for the table to be set". I said Okay. Next, I said, "I like to put up some pictures on the walls that I believe the children will like I am a very good artist" and she said to me, "you don’t need to focus on putting up any pictures that’s the last thing you need to worry about".

     Furthermore, she said you can go and get the sheets out of the dryer while the children are sleeping. I realized at this point that she was treating me unfair and she didn't want to talk to me because I try to address my concern and she ignored me. Therefore, on my break, I ask to speak to the director and informed her of the problem. I let her know that I am a teacher and I wasn't her teacher assistant.The director agrees with me and address the problem by having a meeting with the both of us. However, that didn't change anything, the other teacher insisted on treating me as if I was her personal assistant and wouldn't let me do circle time or anything for the children without intervening me from doing my job. Therefore, I ask if I can be placed within another classroom and my request was accepted by the director.   

       I was placed in a classroom with a teacher who appreciated my skills and I have been working with her for two years and we share the workload and we have a loving fun learning environment for the children in which we serve. The two strategies I have learned about that might help me manage or resolve the conflict more productively, and why these strategies might be effective. For example, I should have respected her feelings by asking her opinion about how she set the table and not assume my way was the correct way to set the table. Furthermore, I should have observed how she demonstrated the daily routines in which she used within your classroom that help meet the individual needs of the children. For example, I could have used reciprocal and asked her if she would like to have a meeting during nap time about how we could work together as a team to ensure a positive atmosphere and freedom of self-expression for the children and share the responsibility of our job. I could have been responsive to speak to the director to assistance me concerning this problem. Therefore, I realized within my workplace if I cannot discuss a problem with my co-worker and work out a solution between us in order to resolve the problem. I learned to ask for responsive interactions with management to resolve whatever conflict that may have occurred to find a peaceful solution to the disagreement between us within the workplace.

     I learned to address the problem right away to the individual, but in a respectful and fair way by applying the 3 R’s respects, reciprocal and responsive interactions management so that the conflict want to escalate to a bigger problem. The reason why these three prospective are effective is because it helps me to acknowledge the validity of diverse perspectives and provide an equal voice for those perspectives by observing my own personal views and beliefs and other individual views and beliefs and how they may affect interactions with others within my environment. Also, it help me to be reminded that everyone don’t think the same or do things the same way that is why it is better to ask questions about something you don’t know than to assume you know something you don’t have personal knowledge about in order to understand other individual differences in life. According to, Gouran (2003) “the ways to fostering a more positive experience with one or more groups as follow; 

Avoid dominating another person or group.
     Stay focused on the task the person or group must accomplish.
      Be friendly.

·      Show sensitivity to and respect for other members.

·      Demonstrate that you value other’s opinions.

·      Cooperate with other members rather than compete with them.”
(O’Hair & Wiemann, 2012, p. 269).