Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Five stages of team development

The aspects of the groups in which I have been involved pursing my Master of Science degree consisted of forming group development of negotiation within an open group discussion between members of the group were the hardest to say good-bye to. The groups in which I was placed in made me feel welcome and comfortable with trusting, respecting and supporting my identity and culture differences by sharing ideas and opinions when combining our skills and knowledge, personal experiences and perspectives towards the goals of the group without having any conflict of interest between one another within the discussion. Therefore, considering adjourning stage each group member response to another group member post in which there may be an agreement or a disagreement of the determination of the outcome of the task.

     The high-performing groups are the hardest to leave because of the accomplishments as a team, we gained a passionate attitude to other’s feelings within the group have established norms of expected behaviors of group members to be accepted. In which, group members develop a combination of skills and knowledge to work together towards the group goals in which builds a strong group to have positive outcomes. However, the groups with the clearest established norms set the pattern of evidence for the effectiveness of the task to reflect on individual’s group member’s physical challenges, accomplishments and cooperation in exchange personal perspectives. To which each group member learns about insights about the diversity of the world from different ethnic backgrounds personal and professional experiences with the assign task. Furthermore, the groups I participated in which was the hardest to leave were the groups who value other group members and showed dedication, determination, respect, support, trust, kinship, and unlimited positive feedback towards working together as a group.

     The reason why these groups were the hardest to leave because they showed compassion for one another and the willingness to help other group members to accomplish being successful. The sorts of closing rituals I have experienced or wish I had experienced where based on the steps in between each other differences may have experience forming, group members move into the storming stage. In which, the individual group member may have begun to experience conflicts of interest over issues relating to what they may felt was value or an interest within the task. Such as, not participate in responding to a particular post maybe because some group members may have felt it wasn't interesting as the other member post, therefore, that group member may have been voted off. I imagine that I will adjourn from the group of colleagues I have formed while working on my master's degree in this program because I have accomplish knowledge and skills about why is adjourning an essential stage of teamwork and I can use this knowledge to gain future accomplishments in reaching my goal in life and helping other individual reach their individual goals within their lives.


O’Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2012). Real communication: An introduction (2nd ed.). New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.


  1. Herleen,

    Learning about the five stages of team development this week has been very informational. I think this information will help us all in our professional and personal lives. Working in teams is very important and something that we will never be able to get away from especially in the early childhood field.
    Great post this week and thank you for sharing!

  2. Herleen,
    It sounds like you had some positive group experiences. You are absolutely right that the groups that are hard to leave are the ones where there is a kinship and value among the members of the group. It has been great working with you in this group.
