Saturday, April 11, 2015

Week 6 - Blog Assignment: Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The three international organizations or communities of practice that appealed to me and why I chose them are listed below:

           The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF). Why?, because they advocate for a good cause that upholds the integrity of children and families at risk due to disadvantages out of their control. Furthermore, their community of practice relates to my vision in which, my main focus and mission is to promote the well- being of all children regardless of their ability or disability. It is an organization that advocate for children at risk and fosters the well-being for all children everywhere to protect their civil rights and provide equal opportunities within early childhood development in which, includes the adolescence. The (UNICEF) mission is to help children reach their full potential by promoting high quality education to the children at risk due to disadvantages relating to their disability or in a fragile situations related to poverty. For instance, “One billion of the world’s six billion people live in fragile states, and one third of all people surviving on less than USD 1 per day. Of all the children in the world who die before reaching their fifth birthday, half were born in these countries” (OECD-DAC 2007). In addition, it is “leading trait that international development actors use to define fragile states is their (in)ability to provide basic services to the poor, either as a result of a lack of political will, weak capacity, or both”(ODI, 2008).

    Furthermore, I choose “Save the Children because their community of practice also, promote education to children in which, the child or children can gain high quality education within the home and school. In addition, I chose the Academy for Education Development in this program train teachers, parents, community volunteers and other child care providers effective strategies in which, includes language ,social, emotional, physical and cognitive development to assist children to learn early on, in preparation before they start school. In addition, to promote long-term positive and healthy outcomes with the children individual lives. Save the Children is to prevent children from dropping out of school and falling behind, heal, learn and be prepared before the child or children enter school. Furthermore, “The study main focus determinants the key behaviors and their socio-ecological contexts with innovative and participatory research methods to address factors at multiple levels” (, 2011). For instance, “increasing capacity in design, implementation and evaluation through systematic assessment, training and mentoring frameworks by using face-to-face and online trainings and Establishing university courses for institutionalized capacity in countries to learn more about behavior change, communication, strategic planning and policy analysis” (, 2011).

The skills and experience I would need to competently fulfill each of these as follow below:

There wasn’t any job opportunities’ I was interest in at this time with. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)”. (, page 1, 2008).

However, I was interested in working for “The Academy for Education Development

The skills and experience I would need to competently fulfill each of these roles working with The Academy for Education Development” (, 2011 ).

              Center on Technology and Disability- 

The Center on Technology and Disability (CTD) increases the capacity of U.S. families and educators to learn about, acquire or implement effective assistive technology (AT) and instructional technology (IT) devices and services. This collaborative project brings together the collective power of FHI 360, the American Institutes for Research and PACER Center. These organizations bring to CTD over 25 years of expertise in AT and IT.
I would be interested in this position, however I don’t qualify” (
·         “Human Resources Specialist, P-3, Nairobi, Kenya, ESARO
Qualifications of Successful Candidate
- An advanced university degree (Master's) in Human Resources Management, Public Administration, Business Administration, International Relations, Social Sciences, Psychology or a related field is required.

- A minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience, at the national and international levels, in Human Resources Management is required.

- Prior work experience in emergency duty station is an asset.

- Fluency in English (written & verbal) is required. Knowledge of French and/or Portuguese is desirable. Knowledge of an additional UN Language (Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Spanish) is considered an asset” (

“Save the Children”( I would be interested in this position but I don’t qualify. There wasn’t any other positions I was interested in doing at this time. 
·          Emergency Responders - Standard deployments include individuals with functional expertise in Operations, Logistics, Media, Proposal & Grants, Human Resources, Finance, Communications, Security, Technical Programmes, Education and Monitoring and Evaluation” (

·         United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

·          Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved from

·          Academy for Educational Development. (2011). Retrieved from

The World Bank in Fragile Situations: An Issues Paper -, 2008.

1 comment:

  1. Herleen,
    I was also drawn to UNICEF and Save the Children. They are both wonderful nonprofit organizations that are all about the well being and education of all children. I believe all children deserve the chance to thrive and if I can be a part of that then I can be fulfilled as well through the experience. I also found positions that had potential as something that I would like but I was grossly unqualified with my current education and experience. I feel that there are a great many things that we can do here in the United States to further the idea of every child deserves the opportunity to thrive and succeed.
