Saturday, July 26, 2014

WK 4 Blog : Who am I as a communicator?

The similarities between how I evaluated myself as to how I believed I communicated with others’ where the same pertaining to scale scores of my evaluation of communication anxiety Inventory. For instance, my family scores and my colleague were in the same range within the scale scores, in which were between; 25-31. I was very surprised to see that their viewpoint on how I communicate with others in general was consider to be effective communication within the same context in considering the scores in which they reported indicated “I feel comfortable communicating in most situations and feel confident in anticipating such encounters.”
However, there was a slight difference in what my self-verbal aggressiveness scale reported and between my family member score. For instance, I gave myself a score of 64. However, my family member gave me a score of 73 in which, indicated I was moderate in which I maintain a good balance between respect and consideration for others. I am surprised to see that the scores were different. I never realized that I was viewed differently by my family in opposed to my perspective I never realized that my family would view me different than what I thought about myself. For instance, according to the self-evaluation chart the score my family member gave me placed me to be verbal aggression in which consisted of me being significant with little provocation, I might cross the line from of “ argumentativeness, “ in which attacks a person’s position or statements, and verbal aggression, which involves person and can be hurtful to the listener.

However, I disagreed on the difference because my family member who evaluated me knows how to push my buttons in which gives me no other choice but to defend myself from being disrespected and insulted considering I am the parent and she or he may be an adult but they 
shouldn't cross the line of self-verbal aggressiveness scale.
What surprised me the most my colleague viewpoint was within the same scale range as myself who viewed me to feel comfortable in communicating in most situations and feel confident in anticipating such encounters.” However, taking inconsideration that I share a different type of relationship between my family members than with my colleague I can understand the context of having to different viewpoints. I feel good about what learned about how other individuals might view myself verbal-aggressiveness within different context of judgment than myself.

Therefore, upon evaluation of my listening styles profile we all shared the same similarities in thought considering my profile placed me in group 1. “In which, states I am empathetic and concerned with the emotions of others. This listening style helps me to build trustful and respectful relationships, but it can interfere with proper judgment because I tend to be very trusting of others. Why? I am surprised because I sometimes think when I am speaking to a family member or a colleague they are not listening to everything I am saying to them within having a conversation with them that will be effective and consider to be competent communication. Why? Because they might at time dominate the conversation and I sometimes feel I don’t have an opportunity to be heard. This is consider to be unfair treatment in which cause conflict and misinformation to be taking out of context.

In conclusion, considering how each might inform my professional work and my personal life I have learned from this self-evaluation I must be consider of others feelings upon effective and competent communication. Furthermore, it might inform me to realize it is a give and take situation in which I learn everyone deserves a right to speak and be heard in order to build healthy effective competent communication and strong leaderships and relationships within our society.

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