Friday, April 25, 2014

Week 8- Blog Assignment: When I Think of Research...

What insights have you gained about research from taking this course?

When I think of research I think about how much I learned about insights of research taken from this course and how much I can share with others. Who are also interested in learning about all the multiples of theories, methods, principles, practices, statistics, data, contexts, strategies, plans, vital statistics, variables are measure collecting data by researcher’s and professionals. Also, individuals who want to expand or gain knowledge within social sciences, philosophy and perspectives of ideas, data, and opinions of participants and researcher’s. Therefore, I can other individuals understand about the independent or dependent variables by researchers who are combined within communication and collaboration from different points of views within experiments. In addition, observations or risks concerning most children and families within their communities.
I learned to focus on the main topic about what it is the truth and gain knowledge when evaluating or expressing a concern, interest, about an object or subject. Also, it is good to narrow the study down to obtain a clear valid point and be reflexive, so you can help researchers and participants to address concerns about what is written and presented. According to the text, "power relations thinking about data as a gift from participants is important in rethinking power relations between researchers and participants, and significant part of reflexive." Naughton,Rolfe,Sirai-Blatchford p.187 par.1(210) In addition, “there is a written presentation aspects of the study based on truth pertaining to equity, fairness and social justices. In other words, it’s how the ontologies and epistemologies affected the design and process outcomes you must have self-reflexive in analyzing research.” Naughton,Rolfe,Sirai-Blatchford p.187 par.1(210) Therefore, give consideration to the participants you have to interview and the data will be collected relating to the having freedom of choice when answering questions or a problem within an investigation to apply data and how it will be accomplished. For instance, the approach is about the philosophy of what counts as knowledge and truth. In what ways have your ideas about the nature of doing research changed? The ways my ideas about the nature of doing research changed because, I realize the importance of examining what is relevant. Providing a well-designed research is to develop and analyze what is relevant and what isn't relevant based on what is fair and how fairness is used to eliminate elite bias in the education field. In addition, it’s about building a relationship between the researcher and the participants. Along with equity and social justice should be always considered from the beginning of the research or observation to the end. Therefore, in relation to the children and their families who may or may not have access to resources and are eligible to receive the resources in the early childhood field. I learned as a professional you have to be passionate, knowledgeable and have a good understanding of early child development. Also, learn about cultural diversities and ethnic backgrounds within their daily lives and the environment when interacting and examining positive or negative outcomes. Furthermore, keep a positive open mind and have consideration for other individuals equal and civil rights upon to inform consist relating to ethical contexts. According to, it is defined as “the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, opinions and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed without being biased to the questions or answers applied.” What lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood did you learn? The lessons about planning, designing, and conducting research in early childhood, is I learned is to be objective when exploring the object or participants in an observation. That I should make them feel welcome and provide a comfortable environment that is interesting in conducting research to the young children and their families. For example, ensuring honesty, respect and supporting to the differences of cultural diversities, disabilities and dual learners of all ethnic backgrounds to met their individual needs. Therefore, when interviewing and demonstrating the short term longitudinal research design to examine the hypothesis of individual’s personal needs to be able to have access of gaining an equal opportunity. In the educational field observation or investigation within any research is consisting of children and their families by a researcher's point of view or subject. They should acknowledge other’s knowledge, ideas,and opinions. In addition, exploration of creativity or suggestions of their own personal experience within the environment of all aspects when interviewing or researching individual children and families. In addition, “research it includes an ontological and epistemological positions, initial decisions about the research design, formulation of planning of hypotheses or research questions, consideration of variables, selection of participants, analyses, interpretation and reporting of data, Naughton, Rolfe, Sirai-Blatchford p.187 parg..3 (2010) Also, it is another version of qualitative research when collecting accurate evidence during a study must be demonstrated that the analysis qualitative data from the field in a similar way. Naughton, Rolfe, Sirai-Blatchford p.187 parg3 (2010) According to, research It allows "valid interpretations of what study of the field consist of when analyzing them using integrity to ensure an accurate reflection is being discourse is a close correspondence between the facts stored provide evidence from the students that is in relation to triangulation to indicate that two methods are used in a study in order to check the results are accurate based on evidence provide with measurement of study conducted." Naughton, Rolfe, S.A. Blatchford, pg. 162, par. 1 (2010) What were some of the challenges you encountered—and in what ways did you meet them? The challenges, learning clearly about how to apply the many variables within the context by having to narrow the data presented in writing. Also, I didn't want to make anyone feel powerless when participating in reading or analyzing my experiment that will affect their emotions. For instance, to make ensure emotion perspective are taken into account when processing data about the study. In order not to cause any harm or violate upon their civil rights. For example, quantitative and qualitative research highlights the bias inherent based on criticism within the paradigms themselves. However, the choices of doing research paradigms reflect our beliefs and values about the world in which we live and the world in which we want to live. Therefore, providing an appropriate approach consisting of understanding of equity involves notions of justice and fairness in which set limitations. When interpreting what questions to ask or say to avoid being biased. Therefore, to avoid any aspects of being biased within my study of this course I had to learn how to be knowledge about how to apply accurate data, acknowledge and respect cultural diversity and ethnic backgrounds. Also, individual’s emotions will be taken into consideration of their perspectives.
furthermore, along, with their points of view would be taken into account when processing data about my study in order not to cause any harm or violation upon the participants civil rights. For example, quantitative and qualitative research highlights the bias inherent based on criticism within the paradigms themselves. According to, research “It is important to be vigilant about how cultural, socio-economic, racial and ethnic differences can be classed as deficits.”Naughton,Rolfe,Sirai-Blatchford p.185 par.1(210) For instance, when interpreting what questions to ask or say to avoid being bias to were the participants clearly understand what is taken place in the observation. What are some of the ways your perceptions of an early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course?
The ways my perceptions of early childhood professional have been modified as a result of this course is to be more aware of what to present within an interview or experiment. Also, don’t believe every thing I read pertaining to individual researchers, or data within the context until I become knowledgeable of the object or subject aspect apply in full detail. Furthermore, to have an open line of communication, understanding and knowledge about the investigation or results of different ethical contexts about high quality educational so others and myself can benefit. Gain knowledge when being deductive and in deductive from independent or dependent variables on one another personal experiences in life in circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, opinions. In terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed without being bias to the questions or answers applied. For instance, to acknowledge individuals freedom to express their ideas, opinions, beliefs and values to ensure providing the importance of age appropriate curriculum, activities, guidelines, standards procedures materials, equipment, time, space and situation or concerns within the individual child environment. To make accurate decisions about accommodating education access of high quality education resources are to integrate among young children and their families and other professionals within their communities. According to, Analysis and design “Focusing on the individual child or family locates the problem with the individual, rather than structural factors in society.” Naughton,Rolfe,Sirai-Blatchford p.184 par.2(210)

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It seems that you learned a lot from this course as well. I feel similarly. I did not realize how much goes into a study and conducting research. There are so many components. I learned a lot about many topics that I didn't know much about. It's great that you learned so much also!
