Saturday, April 5, 2014

Week 5- Blog Assignment: Research Around the World

What are some of the current international research topics?

·         Professional partnership in children’s services: Working together for children

·         Learning positive behavior through educator-child relationship

·         The Early Years Learning Framework: Essential reading for the National Quality Standard

·         Nurturing the spiritual child: Compassion, connection and a sense of self

What surprising facts/insights/new ideas about early childhood did you gain from exploring this international early childhood website?

The (ECA) Early Childhood Australia role is to strive for quality outcomes by working to build a strong foundation using effective updated educational resources materials and activities. Furthermore, the ECA will accommodate all culture and ethnic differences by supporting different meanings and actions for all individuals to have and share different roles in different places and situations in order to process of making meaning of their values.
According to, ECA values StatementsLeadership-We stand out as proactive champions for young children. We provide an independent focus and voice for advocacy, understanding, energy and change for ECA members, for others in the early childhood sector and for interested people in the wider community.
 Excellence-We strive for high standards in all that we do. In all aspects of our ECA work we are ethical, professional, well-informed, thorough, articulate and creative. We want to be outstanding in our work.
 Respect-We have regard for people and treat them well in all our interactions both within and outside ECA. We recognize the dignity and rights of all and we make time to listen, to be courteous, and to respond. Our respect for children, for the people who work with them and for ourselves requires this, and also requires that we work to high standards in all areas.
 Courage-We are brave in our work. We think carefully about infants and children in our society and the impacts of situations and events on them. We speak out and take actions about these without fear or favor. We support one another in this. ECA Value Statements – September 2010 (pages 1-2)
 Therefore, the ECA vision is to gain an solid relationship and partnerships in connection with the early childhood education and child care services for the young children by being an advocate and champion for quality outcomes endorse by the governance and the guidelines. In which they use discussion, interpretation and expansion and welcome feedback from all members and strategic directions daily work to gain the rights of the Infants and young children when focusing on their well-being.

According to, Early Childhood Australia (ECA) “The rights of Infants and young children are citizens with the same rights as everyone in our society and should have access to its protections and benefits to help them have the best possible start in life. The well-being of young children is Early Childhood Australia’s prime focus. “In addition, Early Childhood Australia has a particular focus on infants and young children in early childhood education and care services, but we also address other significant issues of children’s rights and well-being.”  According to, ECA “ They particularly recognize the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families acknowledging past and current injustices and realities around Australia, and we challenge ourselves to work for the true Reconciliation.” ECA Value Statements – September 2010 (pages 1-2)

What other noteworthy information did you find on this website?

The Research in Practice Series is a practical, easy to read resources that offer a wide variety of books including different topics and hands on activities in connection to building new ideas that will enrich young children cognitive skills and gain their interest in literacy. Used by workers consisting of new approaches for children and their families who are facing issues or challenges involving child care services and in the early childhood field. In addition, Educational professionals can become a member of “The Early Years Learning Framework: Essential reading for the National Quality Standard is new for educators to show evidence of their practice and philosophies.


1 comment:

  1. Herleen, that was a nice concise read, a good summation of a large website. I think these links would have been extremely valuable in our last course issues and trends as examples of international websites and possible places to go to find contacts. I was speaking with a New Zealand educator who had me look into the work of Kevin Smythe, an unapologetic ally to educators and a progressive educator with years of experience and research on early childhood. I had never heard of him because he was a famous educational expert from New Zealand, obviously I have only ever heard of American educators and researchers. One of the most positive benefits of this Masters experience is the fact that Walden's University is showing us a world united in early childhood educational understanding. The pressures we face in America are being felt by other educators in other countries. I have yet to decide if that's a positive or a negative.
