Saturday, March 1, 2014

Final Blog Assignment

    Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for my professional and personal development 

    • I will always greet your child or children with a smile and complement them when they enter the classroom and acknowledge their work and effort for participation or communication by saying that is good, awesome, or like your picture. Use positive reinforcement by encouraging exploring, creating, imagination and self expression that allow collaboration among peers to be openly discuss asking open end questions when participating in group activities.

Keep and open mind and an open line of communication to invite new ideas, suggestions or question about learning consequences that welcome show and tell demonstration about all children cultural or ethnic backgrounds.

    • Having the knowledge can open the doors for career advancement. Also, gives educators to become an advocate.

    My goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations
    My goal relates to the field to international is to surf the internet, web sites , podcast, articles and news letter and ask open end questions to my children and parents about what goals they will like to reach. 
Furthermore, I will keep and open line of communication and form a trustful honest relationship that welcoming them to engage in volunteering the classroom with their child to participate in show and tell activity discussion about their cultural diversity and ethnic background experience on sharing ideas, opinions and any insights they will feel comfortable discussing.

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