This story provides a positive example of the effects of research on children and families who have been inspired by real life obstacles and challenges in life. Also, it pertains to resilience which is considering turning a bad situation into a good situation by learning how to cope with challenges and developing the ability. In addition, knowledge on how to gain perspectives as we face our own challenges in life. For instance,resilience something we all experience in life at one time or another. Therefore, I feel hearing about the positive effects by research can help others to become strong, healthy, or successful again by learning from other mistakes and accomplishments. Learning from our own mistakes and accomplishments during our personal life experiences.
This is a story about a 13 year old girl name Marilyn DeAlba whom religion was Catholic and had a baby boy name Chris and he was born with cerebral palsy,which resulted in her son's developing torticollis, in which affects his neck and muscle weakness on the right side of his body. Doctors originally doubted he would survive at all. Marilyn parents were not proud of her and her family members and friends were devastated when they found out she was pregnant and didn’t want to talk to her until after she had the baby. Also, Marliyn had a very complicated labor, the baby got stuck in the birth canal. Three times they had to use Vacuum suction before the hospital staff decided to do an emergency Caesarean section to delivery. He stop breathing twice, once for 12 minutes and his heart stop beating. However, the doctor and nurses were able to revive him. Also, the baby started having epileptic seizures. Liquid went to his brain. She was told he wasn't going to make it or that he would be in a wheelchair or not be able to talk or walk. I was told he was mentally disabled.
Therefore, after she had the baby her parents provided a room downstairs for her and the baby. However, she became very unhappy and depressed and begin to go through anxiety attacks, and a lot of stress, being so young. Also, she became withdrawn, so she didn’t pay attention to her peers, even though they may have judged her for keeping the baby. Marilyn had lied to her baby's father and told him at the time she was 16 years old. He found out and a banded her and the baby. Furthermore, considering all the odds were against her, she didn’t give up on her son,she was determine to prove everyone wrong, she finish summer school by getting up at 4 a.m. in the morning making preparation for her son. Last but not least she graduated from an alternative high in the Mt. Diablo school district. Marilyn received three scholarships to complete college and raised her son Chris through sun and rain," she said proudly. Furthermore, she continues to save her money to get a place for her son and herself According to research, she said "I'm happy that I did it. There were times when I had so much doubt in my mind. But, school felt like my extended family."
Well-spoken and poised, DeAlba became one of Crossroads' young mothers who traveled to other high schools, sharing her experience and telling girls to protect themselves against pregnancy.
DeAlba graduated after two-and-a-half years with a grade-point average of about 3.8, she said.
As she prepares to start her first full college semester next week, DeAlba does not feel sorry for herself or dwell on the life she could have had. Instead, she said her pregnancy was a challenge from God and she's focused on what's ahead.
"My motivation was my son," she said. "He's my shining armor. I need him and he needs me. He is my future."
According to, “Statistics show that most girls in DeAlba's condition won't finish high school, let alone middle school -- where DeAlba was in seventh grade at Martinez Junior High when she got pregnant.”
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Saturday, March 15, 2014
Blog Assignment: Your Personal Research Journey
I choose this topic for the simulation because it’s very important for teachers to meet the individual needs of every child by creating or designing an inclusive space within their environment. Also, it’s necessary to gain their interest in learning education skills in order to cope with everyday domestic skills to survive. Also, it’s a continuation of accommodations that are needed for appropriate learning growth and development based on cognitive,social and emotional and physical domains. While integrating children with disabilities to collaborate so they will met their individual needs within their environment.

The insights I have gained so far from constructing the research chart, and from any other element of this course is to be able to use time management and minimize what I need.By constructing the research to my advantage I am able to get straight to the main idea or supporting topic. Each element of this course will help me to develop an open discipline mind on how to research what, where,when, how it is most important. Therefore, I learn how to use an effective and appropriate approach seeking updated information and resources of the topic.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Final Blog Assignment
Three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for my professional and personal development
- I will always greet your child or children with a smile and complement them when they enter the classroom and acknowledge their work and effort for participation or communication by saying that is good, awesome, or like your picture. Use positive reinforcement by encouraging exploring, creating, imagination and self expression that allow collaboration among peers to be openly discuss asking open end questions when participating in group activities.
- Keep and open mind and an open line of communication to invite new ideas, suggestions or question about learning consequences that welcome show and tell demonstration about all children cultural or ethnic backgrounds.
- Having the knowledge can open the doors for career advancement. Also, gives educators to become an advocate.
My goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations
My goal relates to the field to international is to surf the internet, web sites , podcast, articles and news letter and ask open end questions to my children and parents about what goals they will like to reach. Furthermore, I will keep and open line of communication and form a trustful honest relationship that welcoming them to engage in volunteering the classroom with their child to participate in show and tell activity discussion about their cultural diversity and ethnic background experience on sharing ideas, opinions and any insights they will feel comfortable discussing.
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