Saturday, February 8, 2014

Blog Assignment: Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 2

Tackling toxic stress
The policymakers, researchers, and practitioners in the field are re-thinking services on how to reduce toxic stress and the effects on health, learning, and behavior towards all children in their earliest years and across their lifespan. Sciences and pediatricians have taken on the challenges provide and  improve primary care in the earliest years of  all children brain architecture in order to prevent damage of  lifelong health. Also, to improve within the nation’s health and economy for all children early interventions health care. Therefore, physicians are providing screenings and check ups that provides early interventions planning checking the baby brain and heartbeat, ears, pediatric check ups and testing for exposure to lead in preschoolers. Also, innovating for the preschoolers can reduce toxic stress so that most children will have a better chance to be successful in learning throughout there future.
     It is critically a heightened issue for very young children to experience in life. It is commonly now as the persistent fear and anxiety that create affects among all children during their early years in learning and development. Today and everyday most children have been affected in learning, solve problems, associated, experience, expose in their lives to community violence, parental drug abuse or indirectly victims of violence clearly for children in these circumstances, always seem to be repetitive threats create fear and chronic anxiety. “When delivered effectively, such interventions could have a multiplier effect into the next generation by reducing both the individual and societal costs of the negative de­velopmental effects of persistent fear, including mental health impairments, antisocial behavior, physical disease, and violent crime.” (Gerwin 2013, pg. 9). When all policy makers, community base services, ECE professionals, and other private sectors, politicians will innovate on behalf of the child well-being the children can gain equity and excellence that is required internationally 
 Applying the Science of Early Childhood in Brazil
       The Global children’s Initiative Center is the first programmatic partnership outside of the United States that form an organization to engage in the following activities effectively communicate with scientific and Brazilian cultural agenda for the community of scholars that there goal is to reach out to help the (NCPI) Núcleo Cuenca Pela Infância is in collaboration with local expert, to build stronger policies and larger investments for the young children and their families to benefit unique opportunities offering child health and development guide towards larger investments and stronger effective policies, strengthen leadership through policymakers and translate print and multimedia resources  for local Brazilian cultural context of early childhood life outcomes for vulnerable children and support sustainable education, health promotion social welfare and economic development programs that foster the well-being of high equitable society in Brazil.
Diverse group of U.S. and Brazil-based faculty with a proven record of excellence in the biological, behavioral, social, and leadership sciences.”​ (quemsomos par. 1&2)
    Zambian Early Childhood Development Project, According to, “A large number of studies have investigated the impact of early childhood experiences on children’s developmental, health, and educational outcomes in developed countries, relatively little evidence is available on early childhood development in sub-Saharan Africa.”
     “In order to measure the full impact of the anti-malaria campaign on Zambia’s human      capital development, the ZECDP created a new comprehensive instrument for assessing children’s physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development before and throughout their schooling careers—the first assessment tool of its kind in Zambia. Completed in May 2010, the Zambian Child Assessment Test (ZamCAT) combines existing child development measures with newly developed items in order to provide a broad assessment of children of preschool age in the Zambian context.”( par. 2)
    The additional information about issues of equity and excellence I acquired from the international sources impacts global children who are at risk all need children’s physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive development to gain healthy learning capabilities to develop health lives in order to function and survive within in their lives. Also, I learn in order to save our children and produce economically we as a nation have to put our minds together and focus on what’s best for the children it we want our economy and society to have positive outcomes on the future. 

1 comment:

  1. Herleen,
    I enjoyed reading your comments about stress and its affect on children. We don't the stress and anxiety that some children go through. I also read about the Global Children's Initiative. They are doing amazing things.
    Great Post!
