Saturday, November 23, 2013

My Connection to Play



Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play children learn how to learn.

O. Fred Donaldson
                                                                         Contemporary American martial arts master



When children pretend, they’re using their imaginations to move beyond the bounds of reality. A stick can be a magic wand. A sock can be a puppet. A small child can be a superhero.


What I remember about my friends and family members, such as cousins, siblings and friends in my life who supported me in the role of play. We played by imitating, pretending, imagining, creating, engaging and sharing experiences acting out different roles when playing together. They participated with me by acting the role of different characters such as, my mother, teacher, children, and sometimes an animal. Also, giving me the opportunity to be one or the other characters I described above. In other words, they participated in sharing ideas, suggestions, opinions, and we would take turns with each other. We would use different materials. Such as, sticks, rocks, mud, grass, sand/water and other objects. In addition, we shared toys, clothes, hats, wigs, play dishes, buckets, shovels and shoes and other items. For example, a ruler, chalk, and crayons were used to play different activities or games. We would communicate between one another during role play to be someone else or something else, acting out whatever role that involved the character to demonstrate the respect of another person by informing one another if something wasn’t safe. However, if we choose to listen or not at least we were warned by the other individual or parent about the risk or mistakes that may or may not will occurred when playing within our environment. Therefore, our creativity and imagination help us to build different connections to how and individual plays stimulate knowledge or actions about other human beings and their self to learn the different ways of pretending and using their imagination to be an animal or object. Furthermore, play can help an individual to gain understanding of their own learning and development capabilities while enjoying themselves playing with other objects or items of their choice. For instance, play can be considered to be a learning experience about what is the meaning of right and wrong if giving the freedom to explore and learn how things work on your own or with others you can learn from your own mistakes in life. For example, the top picture to the left one little girl is pretending that her hands are an object by using both hands as a yarn spindle to help her friend make a hat for her to wear. Therefore, the little girl to the right is pretending to be her teacher or mother by demonstrating to her how to knit using the yarn in which, they both create an item together using their own creativeness, imagination to make reality come true by role playing and imitating their mother, grandmother or teacher and sharing with each other during role play within their own imaginary world.

How I feel play today is similar or different from the play in which I engaged in as a child and what I hope for young people to have the opportunity to learn math, reading and science that involves participation of an  individual social and physical activity while having fun now in regard to play. The ways things are similar is that most children are still interested in learning by playing together with one another in sharing ideas, opinions, experiences, and exploring, imitating and experimenting the advances and disadvantages within their environments. For example, the little girl’s playing hop scotch are having fun participating in an activity together, because it allows them to be themselves without having any restrictions, predictions or judgments. This game involves math that consist of numbers, patterns, length and width using an individual cognitive, social and mental and physical capabilities of abilities learning about distances that consist of measurements upon playing. and have fun. Also, it teaches a lesson about social and emotional as well as cognitive that younger or older children can learn from making their own mistakes or others who are participating in the activity. Therefore, play consists of becoming knowledgeable, creative while having fun.
Today most children engage in the role of play is a lot different because most children engage in play by sitting in front of a T.V. or Computer and playing a game or talking to a friend on their cell phone or maybe play games on the phone. However, most children  talking on face book because, maybe they are not allow to associate with other children within their surroundings or explore,  experience, experiment their nature world and habitats.  Therefore they don’t know how to use their imagination and be creative and go outside to play with other children in their school setting or neighborhood within their own backyard, playground or park in which can be very educational experience within their environment. Why? Maybe because most parents, teacher’s don’t have time or permission or maybe just to tired to participate in any mental physical activities . For instance, scavenger hunts, jacks, baseball, football, volleyball, baseball, ring around the roses, and hokey poky and a monopoly game or even domino’s that will educate them an ensure a healthy well being fostering nurture and guidance to develop cognitively, social and emotional healthy growth and development. The differences are most children are calling out for help from their parent's and teachers to interact or communicate with them and get the individual attention they need at home or school.
For example, most children have delays in educational subjects or health because they don’t play a lot or of any physical activities or cognitive games. However, if they played some of the activities or games like I did then maybe as younger child there want be so many cases of childhood obesity and educational delays, genetic psychological disorders that can affect them in learning different subjects that consist of physical,social and emotional capabilities.  I learn about applying my fine and gross motor skills by having the opportunity to be engage with my parent and teachers to show me and allowing me to explore in a mentally and physically active within different activities while experimenting, with dirt, water, grass, rocks and sticks to be creative in making my on toys, such as building a house with rocks, box’s or dirt even if I didn’t have the educational tools at home or school. Having the opportunity to explore all possibilities within my environment at an young age at home or school gave me different insights and views about how things work.  In addition, during my early childhood years our coach role model by demonstrating how to play the game.The different about today most teachers and parent’s will give instructions without participation among the children in a physical activity which consists of the teacher and parent’s being involved does not just mean observing the child while they play. But, it does require and mean engaging with the child sometimes and by teaching them how to interact and communicate and understand and respect the different diversities of ones cultural environment, values and morals. In addition, let children have the freedom or exposure or opportunity of putting it into action that consist of imagination, creativity, pretending, imitating mentally and physically within your environment doing role play to capture the knowledge and capabilities of educating your self about the nature world and everything that involves using their imaginations to move beyond the bounds of reality.
For example, if you tell a child to jump off a plastic box, but they never been taught or given the opportunity to learn the appropriate way how to jump correctly, then how do the teacher or parent expect for them to jump off the box correctly. When I was five if my teacher or parent wanted me to learn how to jump rope she or he first demonstrate to me how to jump rope without getting hurt.
 My thoughts regarding the role of play throughout my earlier childhood life and/or the role of play throughout my childhood and my adulthood consist of parents and teachers taking the time and patience to be a positive role model by participating in the social and physical activities inside or outside the classroom or home. Also, the teachers would give us homework to take home that consist of social and physical environment with our parents to watch a movie together, go to the park, putting together a kit, plane, following a cooking recipe, sewing or putting together a model car.
Therefore, people supported me by learning me how to be creative by using my own experience, ideas or by helping me to learn from other individuals within my surroundings or environments that consist of diversity cultural  in different places or using different things from experience or observing people, places, objects, and items within my nature world. Furthermore, I have the right to experiment, explore, if given have the opportunity to learn how things work using my own ideas and creativeness to design and describe how I can use them while I learn through play. When I played as a young child I enjoying myself having the freedom to explore on my own at the same time using my own description of an character and imagination to come true is a visual or hand on learning experience. For instance, it helps me to learn about life and the things that are created on earth and  was a part of life to understand and appreciate the differences. Furthermore it helps to have an open mind about people and animals and objects or items and open up doors for greater opportunities within my community or society during my early childhood. For example, look, what I am doing today as an early development teacher. I am giving back to other children who deserved the same opportunity to learn within their environment and society about their nature world as I did and to be themselves while having fun and being educated about the people, places, and things within their world as they use their imagination and creativity within their everyday environment.


Saturday, November 9, 2013

Relationship Reflection

 My Daughter                                     My Grandson                                               My Son

The reason why relationships and partnerships are important to me in developing and maintaining  a family, begins with communication, commitment, determination and understanding that ensures the foundation to build a sense of security, love, respect, trust, honesty, passion, and positive support within individual lives. Also, it is gives me the encouragement to have an on going connection and bond towards all individuals who are apart of my life and everyday surroundings. Identifying several people that I currently have a positive relationships and partnerships with will be my two children and my grandson who contribute to making a positive impact in my life in many ways. For instance, I have a special love for both of my children and my grandson. I provide guidance and nurturing through out their lives. Also, I care about them and love their individuality. When describing the ways in which each relationship is positive and factors that contributed to developing and maintaining each relationship begins with the hope and strength to develop a goal in their life and myself. When they were growing up everyday I would help them with their homework and school projects along with preparing dinner. We’ll have a family style sitting in which we bless our food before we would eat. I took them to the park, picnics, art exhibitions, museums, and plays at theater. We would even go to symphonies and children concerts. We watch movies together and occasionally we go out of town and sometimes we would eat out at the restaurant. Furthermore, we attended Church, parent meetings and School functions together in which they participated in a particular role. Also, we celebrated as a family birthdays and holidays. We went on shopping trips.  My children and my grandson are a big inspiration in my life and I always tell them how much I loved them and how proud I am of them. Relationships and partnerships consist of taking consideration of other individual feelings and not just your own feelings. My future goals were to do what was best for my family and what is right in their lives by choosing to devote all the time they needed for support in making them feel comfortable and safe. Also, I support both of my children while they are currently attending junior college. I communicate with them all the time and I babysit my grandson while my daughter goes to school and my son. I also support my son who lives out of town attending college and playing college basketball. I talk to him every night after his basketball practice. In order, for me to become successful in making a better life for both of my children, grandson and myself I must set an positive example and give back the strength and the will power with the advice which given to me as a child to complete my education. I have always been a very hard worker and I have worked a full time job for twenty six an half years while continuing my education. Once I graduated from college, I brought a home and a car for my children where they could feel safe and secure. When describing the insights regarding challenges to developing and maintaining relationships that I have learned from my experience over time, started after my divorce I faced my biggest challenges so I decided to continue my education considering I was a single parent and the head of my household with low income. This is the reason I appreciate my children and my grandson because of them I was inspired to become committed as a parent, grandparent and to be a positive role model in their lives by saying or doing what is right by pursuing my goals to have a better career so we would not have to live in poverty anymore. The special characteristics of our relationships that make partnerships are the passion and love we build together. A connection to me to strive to met our individual goals by staying in a healthy relationship and partnerships. Also, it gave us the determination to not settle for less in life, but to develop and maintain interest in preparing a better life for us all. Furthermore, we all gain experience and knowledge about striving for a healthy and productive life. As individuals we learn our relationship and partnership is built on communication, understanding, respect, honesty, passion, and having positive support through the good times and through the bad times. We must have the determination, will power, and staying connect to one another by respecting and taking in consideration of one another feelings. While working together in order to help one another reach our goals. Therefore, relationship and partnership to me is the glue that keeps us together.