Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wk-3-Blog Assignment: Getting to Know Your International Contacts

The three to four resources from the website I choose insights about conveyed insights that consist of “the Childhood Poverty Research and Policy Center’s page” included the following Alternative websites;
 “Challenges for the convention in the 21 Century” and The State of the world’s Children Second Addition“ (, in connections to,
In my readings I found issues and trends the rural people where challenge by and I like to share at least three insights or ideas that I gained from studying the websites were about the
 “Climate Change and Rights” ( p.71
In Sharing with my colleagues what I have learned so far from these exchanges (or from the websites)
In most rural family’s children in the regional areas of the countries or held victims of unfair treatment of their civil rights and complex challenges endure upon issues of poor living conditions that are at risk due to poverty that affects their life cause bad health to survival in growth and development, protection and participation in education are a big concern facing issues and trends in the regional country of South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and other urban countries who children and families are at risk in the international and nation that are affected by the climate change. Also, children vulnerability is affected by the impacted of the climate conditions towards their health, education and mental and physical well-being in which their livelihood is in danger or impacted by suffering from the environmental hazards within their living conditions that they are exposed within their daily lives. The following affects of the harmful climate change affects their Physiological and cognitive development. Therefore, the children well-being is in state due to infections more than adults due to their sensitivity are vulnerable to strong ultraviolet radiation, poor shelter and outdoor air pollution from biomass fuel. The children growth and development is impacted by mental and physical which can cause impairments, disease, infections, under nutrition, acute respiratory, diarrhea, malaria and other vector-borne diseases. Furthermore, “in 2007, studies estimated that 46 countries with a total population of 27 billion people, may face a greater risk due from violent conflicts, social economic and political stresses that intersects with the climate conditions. For instance, the drought, flooding caused poor physical infrastructure and lack systems to cope with climate change in the areas in where they live. However, most of the time death’s among children were under 5 years old. According to research “many of the main killers where children who suffer from under nutrition which contributes to more than one third of all children under-five deaths” (p.65)
According to research “ In 2007 children suffer consequences of psychosocial trauma, recruitment which lead to forces of displacements and forced migration which may in turn lead to family separation and exposure to trafficking and exploitation.” (p71)“Also, last but not least, the evidence strongly suggests that the climate change will make achieving the millennium development goals even more difficult, because children will be the ones who may need to support household income, making it more difficult for them especially girls, to attend school. (p.65)
“Furthermore, In 2008 there is an” increasing scarcity of water and other natural resources will place an even greater burden on girls and women, who undertake most of the household fuel and water collection. “And the cost of mitigating climate change may leave less money for social spending on health, education, and other social protection programmers.”(p.65) “ In 2008, under 18s accounted for 47 percent of the world’s 49 least development countries, compared with 21 per cent in industrialized countries.” (p.65)
In Describing my new insights and information about issues of poverty
I learned that the convention on the human rights of the children passed a treaty and law that consist of four base core principles nation and international which protects the human rights of all children regardless of their culture, age, sex, race, disability, and ethnic background or socioeconomic status and social progress that is effected by poverty. Also, the treaty was signed by 70 countries and the local legislature and government worldwide, in which  place children rights to be the forefront of the legislature base on civil, political, cultural social, economic rights encouraging friendly budget initiatives, and influence an increase usage of children’s rights of language to be influence and focus upon policies programs and advocacy for the children civil rights is to ensure and secure a healthy, educational and social protection in order to save the children worldwide, national, local and within industrialized countries.
Furthermore, I learned the children and their families who live in regional country of South Asia and Sub-Sahara learned about their equal rights and protection. According to updates “On 20 November 2009, the global community celebrates the 20th anniversary of the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the unique document that sets international standards for the care, treatment and protection of all individuals below age 18. To celebrate this landmark, the United Nations Children’s Fund is dedicating a special edition of its flagship report The State of the World’s Children to examining the Convention’s evolution, progress achieved on child rights, challenges remaining, and actions to be taken in account  and to ensure that its promise becomes a reality for all children.”
 (http://www.unice forg/rightsite/sowc/fullreport.php)
However, the children learned “regardless of the unbearable climate conditions their focus on how to survive, believe, have faith stand up for their equal right was to not give up. The children and their families endure a lot to live as human beings but was treated so unfair by their country.. However, no matter what challenges they may had to  face or hard times or pain that came their  way in order for them to survive they  new they had to stand firm regardless of the  under suffering. Why? Because it’s their  right to be treated with respect and dignity.” Therefore, the children and their families endure what is called survival, faith, and belief within their livelihood upon unlivable conditions of the climate changes to survive as individual to have civil rights, health, protection, and participation in education. In other words it takes self courage to stand up for what you believe in life. I learn that most people will do whatever it take to survive are get what they want. Furthermore, everyone should have a choice in life and no or nothing is wroth losing your life over that is why everyone should respect each other human rights as a person. Also, put them self in the other person shoes before making judgments. In other words, treat a person the way you would like to be treated. I believe everyone should be treated with respect and dignity in life and as a human being who deserves equal rights. “The Progress on Survival and Development Rights” (p.2)
(http://www.unice forg/rightsite/sowc/fullreport.php)

“Climate Change and Rights” ( p.71) (p.2)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sharing Web Resources

Provide the name and link for the organization you selected, and a brief description of the organization’s focus, (zero to three)
This article initially speaks about the well-being of Infants and Toddlers being able to think in a school setting and having the necessities in their lives. To succeed in high quality learning and fulfilling their individual needs to consist of the polices and practices within their school environment and throughout their lives. It spoke on the understanding, communication, nurturing, guidance, nutrition, health, support, respect in relationship to concentrate with others socially and emotionally in a school or home environment that will provide in a safe positive encouraging atmosphere. Why? It is important for the children and families to receive resources that will strengthen their lives in learning capabilities.  Furthermore, their well-being socially and emotionally by ensuring a secure and healthy high quality affective learning throughout their individual lives. Also, “the main focus is to develop good health, strong family support and ensuring positive early learning experiences within their lives through out adulthood.”
(Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010).
According to research “the main focus is to develop good health, strong family support and ensuring positive early learning experiences within their lives through out adulthood.” (Zero to Three: Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010).
Furthermore, the main focus is to also establish polices and practices  and strong family support to provide mental and physical resources to help infants ad toddler’s to excel and retain and gain affective quality learning through out their earliest years of growth and development and through out their lives. Therefore, from zero –three years is the most critical time the growth and development of a infant and child brain to retain information and to grow up healthy and ready to learn too think, speak and reason. Furthermore, in order for a child during their first three years of life to experience the brain undergoes dramatic development that process how well a child think, speak and reason to have the  ability become socially and emotionally healthy and knowledgeable in school and through out their lives. In order words, the child life experience within a positive environment lays down the foundation of their capabilities of how their brain functions to become successful and skillful in academics. For instance, if the child life is impacted by healthy safe and positive learning environment then the child will grows up to be interesting in learning and will grow up to be a positive productive citizen within their community and society through out their individual lives within their community and society. According to research, “Our knowledge of the early years has been significantly enhanced by the incredible advances made by neuroscientists who have found that the way a baby reacts emotionally to how he or she is treated releases chemicals that affect his or her brain’s structure and functioning. In addition, when experiences fail to support an infant’s or toddlers biologically inherent desire to learn, grow, and succeed, “a child’s motivation diminishes, shifts, or finds problematic outlets.” (Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010).Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved May 26, 2010)
Provide the name and link for the international website you selected, and a brief description of the organization’s focus( Australia )
The (ECA) Early Childhood Australia main focus and vision is to be an effective advocate for young children and a champion for quality outcomes in early childhood education and child care' services to promote and protect the rights of young children who are having issues or concerns. Also, ECA provides quality education and child care services as an advocacy organization and champion acting in position to provide the well-being of young children in early childhood by being a voice for those in the early childhood field. For example, the ECA address the issues, rights and well-being of all children who have concerns. According to, the ECA We particularly recognize the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their
Families, acknowledging past and current injustices and realities around Australia, and we challenge ourselves to work for true Reconciliation. In other words, their vision is to provide effective quality care and services by being a champion to ensure positive outcomes for the well-being of young children by identifying and promoting polices and practices for change in the lives of young children in the early childhood. For instance, the ECA provide social justice for the best interest by providing the necessary campaign for change in children lives by providing equal opportunities and support to protect their rights where they can work and speak independently. ” Leadership
We stand out as proactive champions for young children. We provide an independent focus and voice for advocacy, understanding, energy and change for ECA members, for others in the early childhood sector and for interested people in the wider community. Also, Social inclusion we believe that all infants and children should have access to relationships, experiences and services which support their well being in the present, promote their healthy growth, development and learning and will facilitate their participation in our society. It is the responsibility of our society to address this and this often requires differential approaches to resources and programs for both children and adults.” (ECA Value Statements-September 2010 Page 2/2)

In addition, the “Australian ECEC quality was found to be broadly similar to that in the United States and United Kingdom: slightly weaker in terms of the developmental appropriateness of classroom practices assessed through ECERS-R, slightly stronger than the United States in the areas of classroom organization and instructional support.”(Australasian Journal of Early Childhood – Volume 38 No 2 June 2013)

Identify one current issue/trend from the newsletter and/or from the website that caught your attention
"SNAICC has expressed its concerns at the Australian Government’s plan to defund the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) and the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples. ... NATSILS said in a Media Release, the funding cuts will mean that even more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will not be able to access essential legal services and will further entrench Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as second-class citizens in their own country. In further budget cuts, the National Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (NFVPLS) is expecting to lose $3.5m in funding over the next three years. SNAICC has expressed its concerns at the Australian Government’s plan to defund the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) and the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples. Also, “The Government has also flagged that its funding for the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples (Congress) will not continue beyond June 2014.”
I feel this is a very critical concern as far as the families who have children who rights need to be protected of their civil rights. If the Australian Government’s plan to cut the  funding of the people the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS) and the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples will have more crimes and the children well-being will be effected by the Government decision. In other words their will be injustices and no social justices to protect the rights of the children and families who live in Australia.

Share if there was anything else you learned from studying these resources related to the topic of this week
The Partners in the Global Alliance for the Education of Young Children are organizations outside the United States who share NAEYC’s National Association for the Education Young Children provide a commitment for children to be excellence in education. The link in which I choose to study about in the course for the foundation of early childhood development address issues and trends about the public policy and the well-being of young children to have an opportunity to excel in the program for early childhood programs and establish an investment in the care of a healthy safe environment in connections to building positive relationship and partnership that engage in educational achievement throughout young children lives.
The Global Alliance of NAEYC has e-mail addresses for early childhood professionals worldwide.
According to “The Global Alliance for the Education of Young Children should be provided an opportunity for early childhood associations from countries throughout the world to distribute materials and share information about programs and services, so that members of the participating organizations will have access to a greater range of early childhood resources. Also, when experiences fail to support an infant’s or toddlers biologically inherent desire to learn, grow, and succeed, “a child’s motivation diminishes, shifts, or finds problematic outlets.” Therefore, ensuring that babies have good health, strong families, and positive early learning experiences will lay the foundation for success throughout their lives.”
Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved May 26, 2010,

Early Childhood Australia: The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organization
(Newsletter: )

Early Childhood Australia: The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organization
(Newsletter: )

SNAICC NEWS: DEFUNDING OF NATSILS AND CONGRESS RAISES MAJOR CONCERNS – News  SNAICC News: Defunding of NATSILS and Congress raises major concerns [SNAICC: Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care]

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ready—Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Ready—Establishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

Part 1, Establishing Professional Contacts

For Part 1,  I established four contacts from the early childhood professionals outside the United States using the websites to generate contacts placed in the Resources for the Blog Assignment section.

In addition, I clicked on the links to four websites through which I felt was interesting to me and hopefully to you that I was able to generate contacts from that were placed in the Resources list for Blog Assignment section as follow:

The Global Alliance of NAEYC and UNICEF which has e-mail addresses for early childhood professionals worldwide in which I used as follow;
Federal Republic of Nigeria Niger Delta Academic Foundation
Daniel Ibigoni Semeniworima, Director/CEO

Ajoke International School
Mrs.Bimbo Are
New Jericho G.R.A.
P.O.Box 679, Dugbe, Ibadan
Tel: 080-23236933

Germany German National Committee for Early Childhood Education
Mrs. Eva-Hammes-Di Bernardo
Secretary: Ms. Ulrike Konrad-Ristau

Ec-Pec Foundation
Eva Deak

Country Web Site:

National Committee
Mail address

Hellenic National Committee for UNICEF   
8, A. Dimitriou & 37, J. Kennedy Streets
161 21 Kaisariani-Athens
Visitors' address

8, A. Dimitriou & 37, J. Kennedy Streets 
161 21 Kaisariani-Athens

Country code
City code




The Global Alliance of NAEYC has e-mail addresses for early childhood professionals worldwide:

UNICEF has local organizations and representatives worldwide. Check out the country specific links and contact a local representative:

Blog Assignment Part 2: Expanding Resources

For Part 2, "Expanding Resources," I broaden my acknowledgement by using the available resources in the field to study using one of the early childhood organization’s website outside the United States and related resources as follow;

Early Childhood Australia: The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organization

 I clicked on one of the links to websites through which I felt was interesting to me and hope you will enjoy the information I was able to generate from the contacts that were placed in the Resources list for Blog Assignment section as follows;

Early Childhood Australia: The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organization
 The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organization is a national, non-profit organization funded by the government who provides services for children age’s birth- eight years old. It acts in the best interests of the infants and young children education acknowledge to provide equal rights and benefits to ensure quality services for infants and children in which the organization supports the their education and growth development within the early childhood programs by engaging with the community,society policy makers and private sectors in connection with the
The Global Alliance of NAEYC and UNICEF for The Early Childhood Education Programs. The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organizations offers children the same rights and benefits as for all citizens and providing appropriate educational and health resources by establishing an advocacy, champion for the Australian Early Childhood Advocacy organization. Also, ensure access of protections and benefits by ensuring a commitment for the infants and young children by providing support and respect to the highest standards by ensuring equal opportunities in which they strive for high standards that ensure thriving and learning of high quality education, nutritional, guidance, nurturing and mental and physical health services for the well-being of children to have equal rights, benefits and equal opportunities as anyone in their society.

 Their Mission and Role is to respect the dignity of children and provide a secure foundation which values the best range of opportunities, options and outcomes for the individual needs of all infants and young children growth and development. According to The (ECA) Australia Early Childhood Advocacy offer “In all aspects provide ethical, professional, well-informed, thorough, articulate and creative work for the infants and young children.”
( page1
. )

The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy AD Champions works to provide an effective high quality educational and health services for the young children and protecting the equal rights of the infants and young children best interest at heart for the early childhood programs within their community and society that offer a voice that provides opportunities of equal justice for them in compliance to the standards for early childhood development in order for them to become productive and educational successful outstanding citizens through out their individual lives.

According to The Early Childhood Australia Advocacy ad Champions their work “is their prime focus on infants and young children in early childhood education and care services, but also address other significant issues of children’s rights and well being. We particularly recognize the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families, acknowledging past and current injustices and realities around Australia, and we challenge ourselves to work for true Reconciliation.”

Furthermore, “Leadership we stand out as proactive champions for young children. We provide an independent focus on the impacts of situations and events involving them by being an advocacy that is understanding energy and change for ECA members, for others in the early childhood sector and for interested people in the wider community.” page1

 In addition, The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organization provides honesty to ensure integrity and sincerity for the children. Also, is open to listen and response to questions dealing with issues or values that involves the well-being of the children by Communicating and working with children by encouraging and promoting Collaboration to build a strong relationship and partnership in connections to establishing positive goals and successful achievement for all children.

Therefore, the Diversity and Justice is a very important role that the Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organizations plays in the lives of infants and children by being active and being a voice for justice and injustice towards children rights in situations and events that may affect them throughout their course of study. The ECA approach is being positively interactive and respecting, supporting the values, morals and the differences of individual diverse cultures beliefs and believes in infants and children gaining successful educational achievement towards their individual goals in life. (ECA Value Statements –September 2010 Page 2/2)

According the newly appointed Assistant Minister for Education the Hon Susan Ley MP made an address to the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Council meeting in early October. The Minister Ley was” against committing to flexible hours because she of a high increase in services and daily fees. Also, there is a shortage within the workforce, due to most teachers not being trained in the early childhood field and not having a four year degree and According to; “The results of the Workforce Census recently commissioned by the Department of Education (formerly the Department of Education, Employment & Workplace Relations).”

 According to the Minister,” ECEC needs to offer services that allow parents to return to work. The Minister proclaimed the Government’s support for the National Quality Framework (NQF), but wants to implement
the reforms in a ‘smarter and more streamlined way’ that allows educators to spend more time with children and less time completing paperwork. The Minister acknowledged the growth and change within the sector, incorporating a push towards professionalized ECEC with a focus on education.”  (  ews/october-eca-council-meeting-2013.html )

Furthermore, there is an issue concerning time due to the increased documentation in which teachers have to provide that does not allow enough time for the teacher’s to spend quality time with the children in their care. According to the newsletter there was a discussion on some potential reductions in red-tape and paperwork (not related to the documentation of learning).( )

 According to Early Childhood Australia “the Minister is keen to identify policies that promote the inclusion of disadvantaged children and children with special needs. Furthermore, ECA sought the Minister’s support in promoting best practice pedagogy for the early years in school settings, including more recognition for the importance of play based learning for five to eight-year-olds. This arises from concerns raised by members working in school settings where the impact of NAPLAN and the National Curriculum appears to be driving a push for more instructional teaching down into the foundation year, particularly in some states/territories.”


 Early Childhood Australia: The Australian Early Childhood Advocacy Organization (Newsletter: )